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Thread: Milk and cookies.

  1. #21
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Milk and cookies.

    You might want to know that I make the best Ansac biscuits in town, Robbie...I like #2 best...after flipping between the two but I rather like the milk be only slightly blurred as in #1 image. When I first saw your title, I thought you are having a cookie with Santa Claus. An oh, btw here in the US your 'biscuit' is technically a 'cookie' -- and the term 'biscuit' is your equivalent of a scone over there in Oz... Being an Aussie, I just make them, serve them or put in a jar and keep quiet. Your scene here might be nice with a half eaten piece of cookie on a plate with jam and tea. Just a thought...

  2. #22

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    Re: Milk and cookies.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    I wonder if most food photographers have an artist background and assume that northern light is the best for their craft? Nice efforts, perhaps ease of setup is another reason for ambient light. In your shots, the table surface shows the most detail, the second shot looks the best between the two captures.
    When I grow up my studio will be based around the same design principles, Some of the videos I saw that were lit with ambient only had stunning results, the photographers were indeed artists.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    The colors look fine on my calibrated monitor. I always use TinyPic and Firefox and I've never noticed any change being made to the images I post. Perhaps your browser is causing a change.
    The images don't seem so red to me today, fresh eyes maybe.
    My wife liked the first image for two reasons, her first reaction was that it showed more of the milk container and the second shot was a bit ambiguous without the title, she also thought the first was brighter and a bit more "Airy" meaning I think that it looked more ambient.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wavelength View Post
    For me, the difference between the images does not create much artistic concern... i liked them both
    Thank you for looking and commenting.

    Quote Originally Posted by bnnrcn View Post
    Certainly the second shot for me Rob I have some cookies at home but no milk right now
    I still have some milk here on the table top that I have been reminded I need to dispose of pretty quickly

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Second for me too Rob, although it took about 10 flicks between them to decide

    It was mostly influenced by the lack of the background highlight in the second one and following that, the different aspect ratio.
    Thanks for looking and commenting. Your comment about aspect ratio got me thinking, I have found my self producing 16x9 images a lot recently, perhaps subliminally because of the proliferation of that ratio in the media I consume. Having someone with your experience comment on the "Traditional" ratio is grounding and food for thought... There is a whole new thread in there somewhere..

    Quote Originally Posted by TonyW View Post
    I do like the images, not sure which I prefer, but next time you really should make your own ANZAC biscuits. These don't look quite authentic.
    I agree whole heartedly about using authentic product. In hindsight your comment along with Greg's have hammered home that I totally missed the key element of food photography, make the subject look....inviting, sexy...add your own superlative here. I was more concerned with lighting and composition than the "Hero" of the shot. So thank you!

    Quote Originally Posted by IzzieK View Post
    You might want to know that I make the best Ansac biscuits in town, Robbie....
    That's a big call Izzie!
    Now down to brass tacks, do you make your ANZAC biscuits crunchy or chewy? I go chewy but as you know the nation is divided. Happy Australia day to you!

  3. #23
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Milk and cookies.

    I prefer crunchy but Bill like chewy, so our 'country' here is also divided...

  4. #24
    Loose Canon's Avatar
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    Re: Milk and cookies.

    Hi Rob! Nice cookies!

    Obviously what you saw regarding using only natural lighting is misleading. There is actually a lot of food photography that happens under provided light. The first example that comes to mind is a location shoot where the shooter has to shoot at a restaurant and shoot multiple dishes for say, a menu. And possibly at night or early morning when the restaurant is closed. And has to be fast about it before the food starts to look “old”. Not all, and possibly not even the majority, of food photography happens in a nice loft studio with 15’ windows overlooking the NY skyline! The best food shooters I have seen fully endorse strobe lighting, even if it may not always be their first choice. I’m also not sure the name calling of folks who explicitly use natural light is necessary either by folks who pretend to abhor that sort of thing. Goes against what this Forum is supposed to be about.

    But I’d say you met and exceeded the challenge. If you didn’t explain your set-up it would be hard to tell this was done with flash. And I would further say that would be because you had the right idea emulating it with the softbox/scrims arrangement.

    A couple of thoughts regarding food compositions?

    While I know you mentioned that you meticulously positioned the crumbs, they look almost like an accident or oversight. A lot of food shots show (and I’ll use the cookie as an example) big crumbs with the little ones, broken cookies with crumbs, maybe a bite taken out of one. In other words one technique is to imply someone is actually consuming the goodies! Half glass of milk, stuff like that. Sexy food shots don’t always have to be “sterile”!

    Love the wood surface Rob. What about a splash of color? A couple of pieces of fruit (strawberries, strawberries dipped in chocolate, cranberries, etc.)? Nothing overwhelming or taking the eye from the cookies but well placed could actually draw to the cookies? Linen napkins and other props can provide a bit of a splash too.

    Anyway Rob, the shot is happening and the lighting especially so. And for those who think there is absolutely no reason to shoot with strobes in a studio this is a good example. Strobes provide the power options necessary to light through softboxes and scrims to get that good lighting.

    Nice job and compliments to the Stylist as well!

  5. #25

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    Re: Milk and cookies.

    Thanks Terry,

    Some of your compositional suggestions such as the larger/random crumbs and a bite taken out of one biscuit were suggested and tried by my wife and vetoed by me, she will be thrilled to read this..... live and learn, or duck for cover!

    I have to admit that this shot was a test shot of sorts, yes I was amused and motivated by the ambient only suggestion but my real intent was to get some quality feedback before I tackle a shot that I really want to make.

    I was given a very beautiful hand crafted pudding for Christmas by a young colleague to thank me for taking the time to help and encourage her photography throughout the year, my thinking is that a good way to say thank you and honour the gift and perhaps inspire her would be to make a shot of the pudding, so that is next in line on the table top.

    Thanks again, I really appreciate the feedback.
    Last edited by Rob Ekins; 24th January 2016 at 07:01 AM.

  6. #26

    Join Date
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    Re: Milk and cookies.

    Great story about the pudding and the mentee. Can't wait to see the photo!

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