It's a nice image Brian.
What caused the very dark area bottom right? It distracts some from the bloom.
Nicely captured.
And a beautiful feeling it is! Nice work Brian
In Brian's defence on the exposure, if you choose the red channel on that histogram viewer; there is useful detail up to approx. 210 of 255.
So rather than the two stops apparently under-exposed on the luminance histogram, I'd suggest only 2/3 to 1 stop increase is wise and even that will be compressing some red data.
Compositionally, I might either crop a little off the right hand edge, or perhaps rotate it slightly - because as it is now, the stem is further from the right edge than the opposite tip is from the left edge, which is something I would 'adjust' if mine.
Cheers, Dave
Hi Brian , a beautiful image I like the darkness in the image but the red color looks a bit muddy. May be you can work on it selectively but not too much , just a little bit pop would be enough in my opinion.
Agreed Dave, but there is so very little red to the right and having that little bit blow out is meaningless. When I look at the red channel using the histogram viewer, I see a mean value of 44.4 and a median of 35, that tells me that the reds are underexposed and the few pixels that will get blown out aren't even going to get noticed. I know a lot of people get really fussy about having no pixels blow out, but I've never understood why the were willing to trade those against a less muddy looking image.
I really wouldn't worry about trading them off for a bit more "pop", that Binnur mentions. There really aren't any meaningful red values above 165.
Not quite enough. Seems to me that you are seeing a shot that most people aren't. I did some additional work in Gimp but when I posted the histogram was close to the one from Sony express that I have included.
You justifiably take pride in your skills and equipment. But it seems to me that you are not seeing what I and others are? Perhaps the problem is on your end?
Ah've never seen a framed histogram so they're not that important tae me. Like the colours and exposure, Brian. Don't like the too shallow DoF (Which, on looking closer, may have been caused by the angle at which it's been shot).
Ah often take the camera right up tae the subject then turn at a slight angle tae blur parts ah don't want/need. Wondring if this was yer thinking for this shot?
Last edited by tao2; 26th January 2016 at 01:38 AM.
I think that is a beautiful powerful image. I am a little puzzled though because when I first looked at it some time ago I thought it was very gloomy. I don't know whether it has changed or whether my perception or viewing conditions have changed.