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Thread: What is the reason for the blue?

  1. #1
    skitterbug's Avatar
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    What is the reason for the blue?

    I'm using LR V6.3 for processing. My first shot has been edited a bit but I am not especially happy with the pic because my frog isn't as in focus as I would like. However that isn't my question.

    When I am trying to adjust pictures, I sometimes have results appear in the edit screen like the second pic (in this post). So what causes the blue to show where black should be? What is this blue area trying to indicate?

    I don't have a lot of experience in post process procedures so it is hard to ask a proper question! My level of expertise is mainly adjusting my pictures so they are pleasing to me.

    Anyway, if someone could tell me why the second picture looks this way in the editing window, I would appreciate the information! Thank you!


    PS: This fellow apparently couldn't sleep because our area was too warm for December. Most unusual to see him on the bank of our koi pond!

    Mr. Frog appearing in December

    What is the reason for the blue?

    Blue color appearing where black should be (editing window)

    What is the reason for the blue?

  2. #2

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    Re: What is the reason for the blue?

    The blue is showing you where there is absolute black in the shadows, i.e. actual "0" in the histogram. Blown highlights will show up as pink. You can turn that function off if you prefer.

  3. #3
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: What is the reason for the blue?

    I think you have the out of colour gamut indicator(soft proofing) enabled. It shows blue for any colour that is not within the colour space of your display or your intend output. I seldom use it as I do not print very often. Others on this site will no doubt inform you more fully.
    Last edited by pnodrog; 27th January 2016 at 06:40 AM.

  4. #4

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    Re: What is the reason for the blue?

    So how to turn it on/off? Look at the histogram panel per below. Clicking on the box in upper left of the histogram toggles the "show clipping" function on/off. The one in upper right does the same for highlight clipping. When you put the cursor over the box text will come up telling you what you're about to do.

    What is the reason for the blue?

  5. #5
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: What is the reason for the blue?

    Also make sure the soft proofing box just under the image display window is unchecked. In any event the blue colour will never print or be in the image when you export it.

  6. #6

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    Re: What is the reason for the blue?

    Quote Originally Posted by pnodrog View Post
    Also make sure the soft proofing box just under the image display window is unchecked. The blue colour will never print or be in the image when you export it.
    Thanks for that one, Paul. I wasn't aware of that. No doubt it will get accidentally checked some day and drive me bonkers trying to figure out what's going on

  7. #7
    skitterbug's Avatar
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    Re: What is the reason for the blue?

    Thank you Dan and Paul. I have been hunting for an answer to why that blue was there by reading "the manual" (GASP) but never hit on the right search term apparently because I couldn't solve my problem. Dan's statement about being driven "bonkers" applies to me.

    Another question does come from this though. I don't print here (at home) but when I want a print of something I'll send it on to a printing service. Does the fact that the color range cannot be matched on my equipment, cause them any problems when they print my picture?

    Smiles ~ Sandy

  8. #8
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: What is the reason for the blue?

    Hi Sandy,

    There are a few things going on here.

    First, you have not enabled soft proofing. However. what you are seeing are indeed the "clipping point" for the blacks in your image, and it can be turned off and on as has been said. It means that there is no detail there - just pure black. I think there is actually some detail in your original image, so if you want to try to bring it out try moving the Blacks slider to the right. That may show some more detail, the blues should reduce, and the bottom part of the histogram will move away from the left hand edge.

    Moving onto printing, which is a whole different topic. Will the black areas cause a problem? No they will just appear as pure black.

    Then there is soft proofing. THis is available in the Develop module (It's a tick box below the bottom left of your image), and it is designed to help you see what your photo will look like in print. However, that varies considerable depending on the printer and paper that your printing company uses, which in turn is governed by the print profile that will appear below the histogram when you click on the soft proof button. Most printing companies can supply you with a profile and instructions as to how to load it into Lightroom, and that will help you see what the end result will be.

    I'm going to stop there, because I don't think this is the place for a Print tutorial and I don't think I'm the one to give it

    If you do want to take this further, do come back to us. The one thing to be sure of is that you send the file to the printing service in sRGB color space! (You select this in the Export dialogue.)


  9. #9
    skitterbug's Avatar
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    Re: What is the reason for the blue?

    Hi Dave,

    Thank you for an enlightening response! As I get further into post processing and trying to understand why selecting different settings makes a difference, I'll probably keep coming back with more questions! Never fear!

    This is a great web community and I appreciate all the help that is offered here!

    Smiles ~ Sandy

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