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Thread: I want one

  1. #21

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    Re: I want one

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    I'm sure 95% get crashed before the need selling s/h
    I was impressed with the way mine stood up to crashes, most scary was disappearing behind a tree and me panic-ing cut power from around 150ft .... I guess it auto-rotated to land safely

    In my hands it did not perform as the sales blurb said. Maybe I should have another go with it though using it as a camera -video platform is not of any interest. So the NZ regulations have little to do with what I might do and anyway I would re-join the Model Aero Club to be covered by their insurance.

  2. #22
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: I want one

    Quote Originally Posted by MrB View Post
    Does no-one consider these things to be potentially a damn nuisance, especially in the hands of the irresponsible? Who in their right mind would want these things invading the privacy of space around our houses and gardens, or buzzing around the peaceful countryside and intruding further into the habitats of our timorous wildlife?
    Yes I really do know what you mean but . . .

    It is the hands of the irresponsible which are the damn nuisance, not the tools - for example "paparazzi" not DSLRs; litterbugs but not all not all bush-walkers . . .

    So it's about training or restricting the idiots, not killing the technological advancement of new toys.


  3. #23
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: I want one

    Quote Originally Posted by William W View Post
    You're in so much trouble over here, that caper would hardly make a dent in your file . . .

    How is NZ going in the first test?

    Best always,

    We are winning but you just don't realise it. ...... It is just a cunning plan that I don't understand.

    Bill just for the record there is no way I can mark your post as helpful.
    Last edited by pnodrog; 12th February 2016 at 02:49 AM.

  4. #24
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    Re: I want one

    Quote Originally Posted by William W View Post
    Yes I really do know what you mean but . . .

    It is the hands of the irresponsible which are the damn nuisance, not the tools - for example "paparazzi" not DSLRs; litterbugs but not all not all bush-walkers . . .

    So it's about training or restricting the idiots, not killing the technological advancement of new toys.

    The photographer I was with is going through the process to get an officially licence. I understand he is attending a special course at a local flying club. He is convinced that in the not too distant future there will be severe restrictions placed on non licence operators.

  5. #25
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: I want one

    Quote Originally Posted by pnodrog View Post
    We are winning but you just don't realise it. ...... It is just a cunning plan that I don't understand.
    Hilarious comment.

    I am certainly NOT reveling in the fact that you guys are in a mess - we've been there too - it hurts.


    Quote Originally Posted by pnodrog View Post
    Bill just for the record there is no way I can mark your post as helpful.
    That's something which needs fixing too - get the Mods onto it . . .

    When I click the little thingy "Mark as helpful" it say to me "you like this" is says nothing about being "helpful" . . . false advertising.


  6. #26
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    Re: I want one

    Quote Originally Posted by William W View Post
    Hilarious comment.

    I am certainly NOT reveling in the fact that you guys are in a mess - we've been there too - it hurts.


    That's something which needs fixing too - get the Mods onto it . . .

    When I click the little thingy "Mark as helpful" it say to me "you like this" is says nothing about being "helpful" . . . false advertising.

    Good you will completely understand my reluctance - no refusal to do so..

  7. #27
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: I want one

    Quote Originally Posted by pnodrog View Post
    The photographer I was with is going through the process to get an officially licence. I understand he is attending a special course at a local flying club. He is convinced that in the not too distant future there will be severe restrictions placed on non licence operators.
    I think so too.

    It seems to me from my scant interest in the subject that there is already specific legislation in place in most countries apropos WHERE the devices are allowed to fly. So it seems to me it is now all about legislation apropos the "pilots" of the drones.

    On another forum, there are many threads on the topic of (photography) drones: seems that these devices are causing more than a little havoc and sometimes a lot of rage, in various parts of the USA.


  8. #28
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: I want one

    I was just reading through the specs (more interesting than the work I should be doing), the thing can travel at 22m/s . . . that’s about 80kph,

    Crikey that’s a fast 3kg projectile - I didn’t know they could travel at that speed.

  9. #29
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    Re: I want one

    Quote Originally Posted by William W View Post
    I was just reading through the specs (more interesting than the work I should be doing), the thing can travel at 22m/s . . . that’s about 80kph,

    Crikey that’s a fast 3kg projectile - I didn’t know they could travel at that speed.
    What fascinated me was the acceleration from hovering to zooming off into the distance.

  10. #30
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: I want one

    . . . how about the "indoor hovering" feature. What's that!

    Imagine - I could have one hovering in my kitchen whilst videoing my prep - I could play it back in an endless loop at dinner time to gain more appreciation of the hours I put into the preparation for the evening meal.

    Also I could use it as my standby food processor. And later I could use it hovering over my guests, encouraging them to rave about my cuisine . . .


    Seriously though "indoor hovering" - would anyone let it loose indoors?

  11. #31
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    Re: I want one

    Quote Originally Posted by pnodrog View Post the not too distant future there will be severe restrictions placed on non licence operators.
    I hope that this is happening over here - the sooner the better, with very severe conditions governing use, plus very strict training, assessment and insurance requirements to qualify for a licence.


  12. #32
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    Re: I want one

    Quote Originally Posted by William W View Post
    . . . how about the "indoor hovering" feature. What's that!

    Imagine - I could have one hovering in my kitchen whilst videoing my prep - I could play it back in an endless loop at dinner time to gain more appreciation of the hours I put into the preparation for the evening meal.

    Also I could use it as my standby food processor. And later I could use it hovering over my guests, encouraging them to rave about my cuisine . . .


    Seriously though "indoor hovering" - would anyone let it loose indoors?
    Yes - you must meet my family...

  13. #33
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: I want one

    Yes. Yours can meet mine - you're all invited - Christmas Day Lunch 2106.

    We can play local rules after lunch -

    1. hit and run
    2. over the fence six and out
    3. girls get three lives
    4. best of two innings

  14. #34
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: I want one

    What's an innings? I have never had an accident so have had no practice at hit and run. Apart from that at that time of year I would only play cricket in a covered air conditioned stadium.

    It may well be that we will be staying with family in Oran Park at the time so be careful what you offer....please send menu...

  15. #35

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    Re: I want one

    Quote Originally Posted by William W View Post
    . . . how about the "indoor hovering" feature. What's that!

    Imagine - I could have one hovering in my kitchen whilst videoing my prep - I could play it back in an endless loop at dinner time to gain more appreciation of the hours I put into the preparation for the evening meal.

    Also I could use it as my standby food processor. And later I could use it hovering over my guests, encouraging them to rave about my cuisine . . .


    Seriously though "indoor hovering" - would anyone let it loose indoors?

  16. #36
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    Re: I want one

    Quote Originally Posted by mugge View Post
    I hope we do not have a Victoria NSW misunderstanding about to blossom (erupt)...

  17. #37
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: I want one

    Bill do you know what time it is?

  18. #38
    inkista's Avatar
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    Re: I want one

    Quote Originally Posted by MrB View Post
    Does no-one consider these things to be potentially a damn nuisance, especially in the hands of the irresponsible? Who in their right mind would want these things invading the privacy of space around our houses and gardens, or buzzing around the peaceful countryside and intruding further into the habitats of our timorous wildlife?...
    In California, we already have ordinance out to prevent drones from flying into fires and stopping the firefighting craft from being able to be in the same airspace and, y'know, actually fight the fires (eyeroll). And of course, now in the US, you have to register any R/C craft with the FAA.

    My favorite drone-as-nuisance story over the last year is probably this one from Ars Technica:

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