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Thread: Ducking down...

  1. #1

    Duck down...

    Well, I have to admit that the subjects of my images are not earth shattering but what is exciting to me is that for the first time in many (and I mean many) months I could go down on my knees to lie on the ground to get the right sort of shots I wanted.

    My knees were absolutely locked up, with my right knee badly swollen all the time and became immovable after maybe 300m of walking. After 3 knee operations on my meniscus I was thinking of damage to a medial cruciate ligament for good measure. However my partner's wonderful, fabulous massage therapist had a go and afterwards announced it was a stuck sartorious muscle. This muscle had basically frozen and was trapping fluid in my knees causing pain and jamming the joint. After two workouts during which she seemed determined to jam her fingers in there and pull it out completely, I walked out not only able to walk but to bend my knees - at last!

    The ducks were the first creatures I could find to celebrate with.

    Ducking down...

    Ducking down...

    Ducking down...
    Last edited by Tronhard; 20th February 2016 at 10:55 AM.

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Duck down...

    Nice captures.

  3. #3
    Round Tuit's Avatar
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    Re: Duck down...

    Quote Originally Posted by Tronhard View Post
    Well, I have to admit that the subjects of my images are not earth shattering but what is exciting to me is that for the first time in many (and I mean many) months I could go down on my knees to lie on the ground to get the right sort of shots I wanted.

    My knees were absolutely locked up, with my right knee badly swollen all the time and became immovable after maybe 300m of walking. After 3 knee operations on my meniscus I was thinking of damage to a medial cruciate ligament for good measure. However my partner's wonderful, fabulous massage therapist had a go and afterwards announced it was a stuck sartorious muscle. This muscle had basically frozen and was trapping fluid in my knees causing pain and jamming the joint. After two workouts during which she seemed determined to jam her fingers in there and pull it out completely, I walked out not only able to walk but to bend my knees - at last!

    The ducks were the first creatures I could find to celebrate with.
    And the ducks seem happy to see you. Welcome back to the world of the walking.

    Nice shots. #2 is my preference but #3 would be if it had a little more room on the left.


  4. #4

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    Re: Duck down...

    Trev, glad to hear of your recovery. I like them all, but #1 is my favorite. I really like the light and background, although the bright blue spot might be a distraction to some.


  5. #5

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    Re: Duck down...

    Awesome techs on these. Welcome back to good health

  6. #6

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    Re: Duck down...

    Hi Trev. I'm glad to hear that you are in good condition now My best is #1. What is that blue thing?

  7. #7
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: Duck down...

    Excellent images...lovely bird too...

  8. #8

    Join Date
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    Re: Ducking down...

    Good shots which show something of the natural duck expressions.

  9. #9

    Re: Duck down...

    Quote Originally Posted by bnnrcn View Post
    Hi Trev. I'm glad to hear that you are in good condition now My best is #1. What is that blue thing?
    Hi Binnur
    Actually it is sunlight filtered through the trees. Of course it is easy enough to get rid of, but it helped to remind me that I was lying in a pool of brilliant sunshine. In the photo below I was lying just to the right of the nearest picnic table shooting into the shade.

    Ducking down...

  10. #10

    Join Date
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    Re: Ducking down...

    That works fine, Trev, and a nice sense of perspective depth.

  11. #11

    Re: Ducking down...

    Here is the amended #1 image minus the distracting blue blob!

    Ducking down...

    The down (ha! unintended pun!! ) side of photographing the ducks at their level was the difficulty of getting them to keep away from the camera. Once they were convinced I was no threat they came right up to the lens to look at their reflections I suspect.
    Last edited by Tronhard; 20th February 2016 at 08:29 PM.

  12. #12

    Join Date
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    Re: Duck down...

    Very nice! Is something ordinary done extraordinarily well ordinary or extraordinary? I vote for the latter.

  13. #13

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    Re: Duck down...

    Much better without the blue dot

  14. #14
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Duck down...

    I like the last rework of #1...and I think you are giving us a hard time for being where we are at the moment...bright sunshine as against another impending snow soon...Boy! how I wish I am in the Southern Hemisphere at the moment...'am packing up now...

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