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Thread: Baby pics 2 - the learning continues

  1. #1
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Baby pics 2 - the learning continues

    Following on from the first instalment: Baby pics 1 - a learning experience begins

    This visit was intended as more of a photo shoot, I went, and worked, a little better prepared, but still have much to improve upon.

    First let me say that I am not responsible for the artistic aspects; Rebecca had sent me some sample poses she'd found on the internet which she wanted me to replicate with her. Some of these correspond with suggestions made by members to the first thread pictures, while others will form the basis of ideas to try next week.

    With these I was still shooting available light only, but we made efforts to open all curtains in the rooms used and even took down the net curtains temporarily. I also had the larger (1m, 3 ft) reflector this time, plus my wife as VAL, or more accurately; VARH
    (Voice Activated Reflector Holder)

    Here, Chloe is 16 days old.

    1. Asleep on Rebecca
    Baby pics 2 - the learning continues
    Nikon D7100 + Nikon 35mm, f/1.8 lens at 35mm, 1/77s, f/4, iso 2000, +1/3 EC, Aperture Priority and Auto-ISO (410-12657)
    Hit Kbd F11 and click image to see at 667px × 1,000px (recommended)

    I have included the one above for the example of several technical errors it contains;
    Shot at 35mm, so the shooting distance is quite short, resulting in disproportionately large hands (also a bit too bright perhaps).
    Also, given the depth of the subjects, the Depth of Field was insufficient at f/4, but at least the eyes are sharp!
    Rebecca's face was a bit dim, which I tried to lighten in ACR with a Gradient filter, lifting exposure about 1/3 stop, but this has resulted in a sloping line across the background on the right hand side. OK, so not many would have noticed that if I hadn't confessed, but I should perhaps have just dodged the face in PS CC instead.

    It is cropped, but I'm unsure whether I should have taken a little more off the right hand side (your thoughts?) - I didn't because I wanted to keep Chloe's head away from the edge of frame (right decision?)

    2. Chloe cradled by Rebecca
    Baby pics 2 - the learning continues
    Nikon D7100 + Nikon 35mm, f/1.8 lens at 35mm, 1/77s, f/5.6, iso 2000, +1/3 EC, Aperture Priority and Auto-ISO (410-12675)
    Hit Kbd F11 and click image to see at 667px × 1,000px (recommended)

    I'm fairly happy with this one, but I would appreciate any 'detail' crop suggestions from the experienced portrait shooters?

    3. The kiss shot
    Baby pics 2 - the learning continues
    Nikon D7100 + Nikon 35mm, f/1.8 lens at 35mm, 1/77s, f/5.6, iso 2000, +1/3 EC, Aperture Priority and Auto-ISO (410-12687)
    Hit Kbd F11 and click image to see at 667px × 1,000px (recommended)

    Again, fairly happy with this one too, but any feedback appreciated.

    4. The hands shot
    Baby pics 2 - the learning continues
    Nikon D7100 + Nikon 35mm, f/1.8 lens at 35mm, 1/77s, f/4, iso 2000, -1/3 EC, Aperture Priority and Auto-ISO (410-12700)
    Hit Kbd F11 and click image to see at 772px × 1,000px (recommended)

    The example image we were trying to copy had the wrists in line too, but we couldn't replicate that with Rebecca holding Chloe, I guess it would have required another person to hold and accurately position Chloe to achieve that. Still, not too bad - we shot against a black cushion for a background contrast, EC adjusted to compensate, compared to previous shots with lighter background.

    I wasn't sure what aperture to use, this is f/4, in order not to get the texture of the cushion too sharp, but Rebecca's hand is a bit too soft at the extremities for my liking - or am I being too pedantic?

    5. The feet and rings shot
    Baby pics 2 - the learning continues
    Nikon D7100 + Nikon 35mm, f/1.8 lens at 35mm, 1/160s, f/4, iso 2000, -1/3 EC, Aperture Priority and Auto-ISO (410-12714)
    Hit Kbd F11 and click image to see at 1147px × 1,000px (recommended)

    I missed focus on the rings here, I was too close for the lens to focus and should have swapped to the 100mm macro lens - and would have, if it were not 60 miles away at my home! (lesson learnt)

    Fairly happy with the composition (face between feet, etc.) and the crop, but anyone have any thoughts to improve it?

    6. Asleep under sheet
    Baby pics 2 - the learning continues
    Nikon D7100 + Nikon 35mm, f/1.8 lens at 35mm, 1/160s, f/4, iso 2000, +1/3 EC, Aperture Priority and Auto-ISO (410-12733)
    Hit Kbd F11 and click image to see at 1500px × 1,000px (recommended)

    The example shot we had for this had an unnatural (for a baby) 'propped up on one elbow' pose (which looked cute), but this was as close as we could achieve without risking waking her and missing the opportunity entirely.

    Being ultra-critical; the biggest thing that distracts me in this shot is the silk ribbon in the blanket Chloe is laying on, but I didn't clone it out as it may have significance to Rebecca and Tom in years to come.

    I hope to get back to them next week for some more shooting, outstanding shot suggestions to consider are a foot comparison shot (thanks Trev and Izzie) as well as perhaps having another go at the hands and rings shots. I know I ought to include Chloe's Dad (Tomasz) in some shots, but when I visit, he's only home for half an hour or so, during which time he needs to eat lunch. Any more ideas?

    Thanks in advance for looking (and hopefully commenting), Dave
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 27th February 2016 at 11:52 AM.

  2. #2
    ionian's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 2 - the learning continues

    Dave - I'll leave the experts to comment with any authority, but these are lovely photos that Rebecca and Tomasz will cherish.

    For shot #1 you could try having Chloe as the centre object, with Rebecca's head off centre. It'll probably need reshooting as it may be best if she was at an angle and looking slightly down.

    I know you want to re-do #5 - just be aware that shooting straight on gives a reflection of you in Tomasz's ring. Compositionally it's great, but maybe find a way to angle the ring so we can't make out the 'tog in the reflection!

    I'd try lowering clarity in Chloe's face for #6, possibly cloning out the tiny scratches on her cheek. I completely understand that many would leave as is.

    Other shots that you may want to try are the mum/dad cradling and looking down at the baby, and possibly the sleeping baby draped across the dad's arm. Always makes a nice contrast. Finally, if you do go down the flash route, high key photography (I mean blowing out the highlights severely, rather than just plain white background) gives an angelic look that is well worth playing with if you have the patience.

    I'm doing a photo shoot with a friends' soon-to-be-with-us newborn, so will follow these threads with interest.

  3. #3
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 2 - the learning continues

    Nice series, I like the toe shots.

  4. #4
    Dave A's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 2 - the learning continues

    Wonderful series. My first grandchild arrived 8 month ago so I love these kind of images.


  5. #5
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 2 - the learning continues

    Great shots. The last is my favorite.

  6. #6

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    Re: Baby pics 2 - the learning continues

    Nice series, Dave. I really like nos.3 and 5.

  7. #7
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 2 - the learning continues

    Hi Simon,

    Quote Originally Posted by ionian View Post
    I know you want to re-do #5 - just be aware that shooting straight on gives a reflection of you in Tomasz's ring. Compositionally it's great, but maybe find a way to angle the ring so we can't make out the 'tog in the reflection!
    Given the curvature in two directions, I don't see how this is completely possible unless shooting through the middle of the "O", which might be difficult to arrange

    I could see myself in it even while shooting, but fortunately, it isn't super shiny, so I'm not too well defined - I wouldn't want to crack the lens - there's only so much punishment even a UV filter can take

    Better hope they don't buff it up before I re-shoot.

    Quote Originally Posted by ionian View Post
    I'd try lowering clarity in Chloe's face for #6, possibly cloning out the tiny scratches on her cheek. I completely understand that many would leave as is.
    For some reason, I had a mental block on cloning the baby, I think in the whole series to date, all I have done is spot healed a couple of dust spots on the black cushion. Since I'm trying to make nice photographs, rather than document the inevitable scratches and blotches, you're right, I should fix these.

    Quote Originally Posted by ionian View Post
    Other shots that you may want to try are the mum/dad cradling and looking down at the baby, and possibly the sleeping baby draped across the dad's arm. Always makes a nice contrast.
    Yes, these are good ideas that we have seen examples of, just need to get everyone together and in the right mood in the limited time I am there.

    Thanks for the feedback, Dave

  8. #8
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 2 - the learning continues

    John, Dave, Dan and Dan,

    Thanks for the kind words and your favourites.

    Cheers, Dave

  9. #9
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 2 - the learning continues

    Heart warming series. I like #'s 3, 5 and 6 the best...

  10. #10
    wilgk's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 2 - the learning continues

    I am sorry to be late to this thread & indeed will now need to step back to the original to catch up.
    Some lovely examples here & I for one am glad you didn't try the baby's coin in the hands resting on elbows, as it is very unnatural & in most cases I suspect those on the Internet, have been made up of a series of shots & aspects cloned out.
    I very much prefer all the natural 'expected' Baby positions you have shown here.
    The only one that didn't make me smile straight away, was the first. I think Mum's hand just looks too big, perhaps the spread of the fingers making it appear more so.
    I know with the focal length used,it is the size it should be, so I mean it perhaps draws my attention away from the Baby.
    A lovely series and I adore Babies, as they are such a source of great joy to the family.

  11. #11
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 2 - the learning continues

    The only comment I really want to give is on #4 -- I usually shoot hand on hands on the father's. It is a combination of the the soft and rough, if you know what I mean. It will be nicer too if the hand is upturned instead of down turned. Upturned hand is receiving the blessing (the child). It is a luckier position.

    I like the idea of #5 but I prefer it with a little bit more space at the bottom and place on a pillow. The background suggests that the feet are sort of locked and has lack the softness. A bit harsh to look at in my opinion.

    My favourite is the last one. It is a classic shot. For the rest, I think you should have the mother sitting down and relaxing with the baby instead of standing up. It makes for a more natural pose. It might be provincial thinking for some people, but we have a rocking chair for that kind of shot. And when my first grandchild arrived, on our first visit, we bought one for our DIL.

    Have I been harsh? Sorry....They are all nice shots and good processing with skin colour and everything. These are just my opinion...but what do I know??? I am not an expert. I was just looking...

  12. #12

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    Re: Baby pics 2 - the learning continues

    A lovely, great set

  13. #13
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 2 - the learning continues

    Hi Kay,

    Quote Originally Posted by wilgk View Post
    The only one that didn't make me smile straight away, was the first. I think Mum's hand just looks too big, perhaps the spread of the fingers making it appear more so.
    I know with the focal length used,it is the size it should be, so I mean it perhaps draws my attention away from the Baby.
    Yes, I nearly didn't include #1 in this thread, but then considered that we (all) learn more from ours (and others) mistakes than we do from the shots that were successful - because when we are inexperienced, we just don't recognise all the things that contribute to a 'good' shot - indeed much of which may not even be visible, but could have, if 'attention to detail' had not been undertaken. So I included it and listed the technical errors I had identified.

    With regard to things (I hope) I got right - I'm sure you don't need me to say that I needed to keep the backgrounds clear of clutter, especially if brightly coloured (in one shot we held the black side of the reflector in front of some domestic detritus) and also I knew I needed to avoid mixed colour temperature lighting, so the tungsten room light was switched off, or Rebecca's face in several would have taken on an unnatural rosy glow on one side.

    Quote Originally Posted by wilgk View Post
    I am sorry to be late to this thread & indeed will now need to step back to the original to catch up.
    Some lovely examples here & I for one am glad you didn't try the baby's coin in the hands resting on elbows, as it is very unnatural & in most cases I suspect those on the Internet, have been made up of a series of shots & aspects cloned out.
    I had no idea that sort of thing went on!

    Yes, I believe we'll stick to natural - although I shoot what 'Mum' asks for

    Thanks for your thoughts, it has allowed me to mention a couple of other contributory factors for successful baby shots I hadn't covered to date.

    Cheers, Dave

  14. #14
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 2 - the learning continues

    Quote Originally Posted by IzzieK View Post
    The only comment I really want to give is on #4 -- I usually shoot hand on hands on the father's. It is a combination of the the soft and rough, if you know what I mean. It will be nicer too if the hand is upturned instead of down turned. Upturned hand is receiving the blessing (the child). It is a luckier position.
    We only had mother's hand available.
    Regarding palm up/down, the shot we were copying was like this, allowing the viewer to compare the size of fingers and thumb laid out same way, if the adult hand is turned over, that isn't really the same shot, but still valid and something we might try next shoot.

    I thought the shot would make more impact with a dark background and the black cushion was available, perhaps (for baby shots), I should have stuck to a plain white background - your thoughts?

    Quote Originally Posted by IzzieK View Post
    I like the idea of #5 but I prefer it with a little bit more space at the bottom and place on a pillow. The background suggests that the feet are sort of locked and has lack the softness. A bit harsh to look at in my opinion.
    I cropped this in PP because what I had down there was just more black out-of-focus cushion, it probably would benefit from being a lighter tone down there to remove the harshness.

    Quote Originally Posted by IzzieK View Post
    My favourite is the last one. It is a classic shot. For the rest, I think you should have the mother sitting down and relaxing with the baby instead of standing up. It makes for a more natural pose. It might be provincial thinking for some people, but we have a rocking chair for that kind of shot. And when my first grandchild arrived, on our first visit, we bought one for our DIL.
    There was no chair in the box room we shot some of these in, so it had to be standing (or down on the floor out of the light), and really no room for one (especially a rocker) either (at least, we could get the chair in, but no room left for me to get the shot) - average UK houses are really small.

    Quote Originally Posted by IzzieK View Post
    Have I been harsh? Sorry....They are all nice shots and good processing with skin colour and everything. These are just my opinion...but what do I know??? I am not an expert. I was just looking...
    No, you have been honest (as I am with you) and sometimes there are factors at play outside of our control, but the points are still valid and if that means we have to compromise or make more effort (e.g. go somewhere bigger to shoot), then that's something we should consider, even if it eventually proves impractical to implement.

    Thanks for taking the time to consider the shots Izzie.

    Cheers, Dave

  15. #15

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    Re: Baby pics 2 - the learning continues

    great pics

  16. #16
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 2 - the learning continues

    Richard, Binnur, Raymond - thanks for your encouragement

  17. #17
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 2 - the learning continues

    Dave...I just had a thought while reading your response...why nor place your daughter in the middle of their bed with two pillows each on both side of her elbows to rest on it so she can cradle the baby comfortably, will that be easy? 'Hope I am not being pushy for comfort of both child and mother and better posing for the little one...

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    Re: Baby pics 2 - the learning continues

    A nice series of photos and may I also say a beautiful mum and a perfect granddaughter!
    I appreciate the learning aspect of this thread as I may also be attempting a newborn shoot very soon.
    Would #1-3 have benefited from a higher camera perspective? i.e. Mum's (Rebecca's) head and hands effectively the same distance from the lens. Would this have counteracted the subject to camera distance distortion from using the 35mm? More a question than advice

  19. #19
    Urbanflyer's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 2 - the learning continues

    How fun to see these! Thanks for sharing and also sharing your learning!

  20. #20
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 2 - the learning continues

    Thanks David,

    Quote Originally Posted by D L View Post
    Would #1-3 have benefited from a higher camera perspective? i.e. Mum's (Rebecca's) head and hands effectively the same distance from the lens. Would this have counteracted the subject to camera distance distortion from using the 35mm? More a question than advice
    Hmmm, that is one way to do it, which I hadn't really considered, but I fear it may end up with me/us 'looking down' on them. However, I'm hoping to visit them again later today, so I may give that a try - before Chloe gets too big for this kind of pose.

    Thanks for the idea, Dave

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