One of the first signs of spring in Alaska is willow buds coming out. They appear long before any other plants show signs of life and prior to the appearance of any migratory birds. I tried unsuccessfully for several years to capture a willow bud image that I was satisfied with. The fuzzy texture of the buds is the key. Then one day (when we lived in Fairbanks) my bride and I were out walking the dogs and I saw the top of a willow bush backlit by angular evening sunlight and with a shadowed hillside as BG. The bush was down a steep embankment which placed the top buds at eye level but too far away for the lenses that I would typically use to shoot flowers. I hurried home and grabbed a camera and long lens.
As mentioned the image is backlit with natural sunlight against a dark BG. The lighter patch of BG at upper right is the OOF trunk of a birch tree on the shaded hillside. I tried a version with the tree trunk cloned out but then it looks like a studio shot so I elected to leave it alone.
Shot several years ago.
D300 and 200-400mm VR w/1.4xTC@550mm
1/1000s, f8, ISO400