A few days ago things were shaping up for an unusually clear sunset and Mt.Redoubt was spewing enough steam to create it's own little cloud and the only one in the sky. So I got a camera out in anticipation of an interesting shot developing. Unfortunately the steam/cloud dissipated before the sun got low enough to be colorful. But we did have plenty of color and unusually red/orange for Alaska. Up here sunrise/sunset colors trend more towards pinks/purples.
1) The layers of color created by haze in the sky were barely perceptible to the naked eye. They were pulled out in PP with the dehaze tool in LR and dynamic contrast effect in On1. The mountain is over 100mi(170km) distant so getting a sharp image is near impossible. You can see the steam vent on the mountain just to the right of the peak.
Taking the above shot reminded me of a set of more interesting images of the same scene that I had in the files from years ago which I'd never adequately processed. The sun is at a similar angle though timing was near the fall equinox rather than spring. I used virtually identical PP as on no.1.
2) Unusual evening fog over Cook Inlet. The gas/vapor cloud from a vent on the mountain is visible.
3) Sun setting behind Mt.Spur a couple of minutes later.