Correct, as Dan says, they are virtually all 1:1 magnification.
You could use extension tubes on your current lens, but it will be much more convenient, for a given level of magnification, to use a Macro lens.
Early you asked:
That depends on the species and the lighting angle - as well as magnification - not to mention both you and the subject remaining still enough to resolve it - I'd say it is not impossible, but in most shots, you'll see just hint of it.Any idea what would be the minimal macro lens that would allow me to capture the cross hatched texture of an insects eye?
Some compound eye images are actually produced by scanning electron microscopes.
By the time you have enough (macro lens) magnification to see this, you are liable to have such a thin DoF that only a small section of the eye will be sharp enough (unless focus stacking) to see the structure of the compound eye.
HTH, Dave