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Thread: Portrait shoot

  1. #1
    ionian's Avatar
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    Zena - Portrait shoot

    We had a young model at my club this week, so I had the opportunity to shoot under strobes with someone to direct for the first time. Three attempts of Zena below - processed in LR and PS, and for your C&C.

    As I am happy with my technical ability and having read copious amounts about the theory behind lighting a model (not that I got to play with light placement too much), I went in full of confidence. I struck up an easy rapport with Zena, and then I realised the glaring gap in my knowledge - I have no idea how to pose a model. I have some basic ideas but I must learn what to do with a person, and know the sort of shots I want in advance. Because of this, these have ended up as just headshots. Arms and hands looked too complicated!

    I don't want to waste another opportunity to work with someone, especially as I consider various portfolio options, so I will have to work on addressing this area quickly. I do have plenty of portraiture experience, but most of it is candid or street work so I am waiting for the moment, not creating it.

    1. I'm happy with the processing here; I used a 50mm prime (on a crop) which, whilst fine for toddlers, has caused some slightly unflattering distortion across her face.
    Portrait shoot

    2. At least I tried for a different look here! However, her eyes are great so I regret not having them featured. Still, the toned mono looks nice.
    Portrait shoot

    3. This is a nice shot of a natural laugh, something I am much more confident in catching, but it shows her in a very un-model like pose. Also, the highlights on the right are blown from her moving away from the hair highlight strobe - is this still acceptable, can it be rescued or is this for the bin?
    Portrait shoot
    Last edited by ionian; 5th May 2016 at 08:52 PM.

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Zena - Portrait shoot

    Hi Simon,

    It probably won't surprise you that I find this thread both fascinating and helpful.

    As you know, I'm no expert, in fact currently a step behind you on the practical side of things, but I have also read/viewed a lot of theory recently so please (everyone) bear that in mind in my 'critique'/analysis below.

    I am guessing, from the reflections in Zena's eyes in #1 and #3, that the key light was a small flash pointed up, with a largish bounce panel/umbrella behind it, directing some light forward on to the subject - I say this because there's a small bright catch-light below a dimmer, larger one, which may be circular, but this is hidden by her eyelid.

    The light in #1 is very even across the face - how many light sources were there?
    Just the Key (almost above/behind the camera) and hair-light?

    The hair-light is quite low relative to her and lighting a lot of her neck and even under her chin (same in #3) which doesn't seem natural to me.

    I prefer the composition of #3, showing more chest than the horizontal format ones, where she feels 'cut off' at the neck. In #1, this also leaves me thinking her eyes are too low in the frame.

    However; you did say "not that I got to play with light placement too much" and a lot of the issues I have raised relate to that aspect.

    The other thing I take away is that the WB is quite different between #1 and #3 - looking at the whites of her eyes in #1, they may have a slight green cast, whereas #3 looks rather yellow - I note AWB was used.

    I have picked up on a lot of negative things there, but I can quite understand how I might feel 'overwhelmed by the moment' of suddenly being in a position to shoot a real human and all the theoretical research suddenly deserting me at the very moment it is needed most.

    ... and posing is something I haven't done enough on either.

    Thanks, Dave

    I guess, like any other element of being prepared for any shoot, it is a case of thinking about it ahead of time - and having a few poses identified in our minds to capture. This is definitely something I would not have done, had I not read your post.

    Now I need to think about it, the first thought that comes to mind are;
    a) hands crossed in front of body - e.g. if sitting backwards on a chair or looking over a fence/divider/piece of furniture, head could be on hands, or these might be lower in the frame.
    b) If a stool is available; hands on legs
    With both these, we'd need to beware Depth of Field issues and 'fore-lengthening' if shooting from too close (i.e. with too short a lens focal length)
    c) Or perhaps use a more overt 'prop'; may be a mobile phone; pretend call or texting, with appropriate facial expressions - this idea means the eyes wouldn't be looking at the camera though
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 6th May 2016 at 08:08 AM. Reason: added poses list

  3. #3
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Zena - Portrait shoot

    Not sure if Zena chose these poses or you just grabbed them as she moved, but you do have some variations presented and that's a start. Sometimes a seasoned model know which poses work and sometimes they pose in typical styles, for you it's just as important to work the lights, work the room, and have fun. I've had very few opportunities to do this type of studio shooting and would love to get into it; just need a willing model, lights, and available space. Nice efforts, looking forward to seeing more.

  4. #4
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Zena - Portrait shoot

    It's loads of fun to shoot with an experienced model AND to have a makeup artist and hair stylist present.

    I used to shoot at a beauty school and got a load of very nice images...

  5. #5
    ionian's Avatar
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    Re: Zena - Portrait shoot

    Thanks for all the comments. I have several other shots from the same shoot to process, but I wanted to get feedback on these before proceeding.

    Some responses to questions and comments:
    I shot with AWB but have fiddled with both in post; I can't tell which looks more natural, #1 or #3 (or of course neither!). With the flash setting or auto in LR the image appears too blue to my eyes, by my monitor isn't calibrated.

    Light placement was very much done for us; The guy who led the session is an excellent all round photographer but studio lighting may not be something he deals with every day. This is not a criticism of course, we were trying to set up a studio in the bar of the local bowls club. Take what you want from that

    #1 and #3 a shot with a face on soft box bounced into the ceiling (hence the two catch lights), to provide an even spread of light. in addition there is a light behind and low to catch a hair highlight - we had a polite chat about where this might be best located but I lost the discussion, I wanted it high and on the left side to catch the bulk of her hair. With it located on the right i'm catching far too many "whispies" and that just means more post processing!

    #2 was shot with a soft box up and off camera right in the classic 45. Just a single light set up.

    I will do some research into poses, and look at many many more images on 500px and others. Sunglasses would have been a nice prop - of course I've had loads of ideas now but I can't go back! As to hands and framing, again, I'll have a good read to better arm myself. She was young and probably hadn't done many shoots, so would have benefited from some solid direction.

    Thanks for all the suggestions and positive comments as well, most appreciated. I'd like to do more of this sort of work, I really enjoy shooting people, so I feel I need to improve!

  6. #6
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Zena - Portrait shoot

    Looking forward for more, Simon...

  7. #7
    ionian's Avatar
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    Re: Zena - Portrait shoot

    I've played about with wb but I'm not going to show the two full-colour images - I should have shot my grey card at the start, and after three or four trips between LR and PS the adjustments are difficult to untangle. They will make good learning experiences.

    Here's another mono shot - I think that's it for this shoot, the rest are very similar.

    Portrait shoot

  8. #8
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Zena - Portrait shoot

    Quote Originally Posted by ionian View Post
    I've played about with wb but I'm not going to show the two full-colour images - I should have shot my grey card at the start, and after three or four trips between LR and PS the adjustments are difficult to untangle. They will make good learning experiences.

    Here's another mono shot - I think that's it for this shoot, the rest are very similar.

    Portrait shoot
    Nice follow up to originals.

  9. #9
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Zena - Portrait shoot

    Hi Simon,

    Thanks for the additional information and (later), the extra picture.

    I prefer the last and the only thing I'd consider with that is whether quite so much space is needed on the left hand side - personally, I'd crop probably between 5 and 10% of the image width, so not a lot.

    Cheers, Dave

  10. #10
    ionian's Avatar
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    Re: Zena - Portrait shoot

    Thanks Dave. I was trying to keep her hair in the picture but it has put her face in a slightly weird place, fractionally right of centre. I think there is room over there from the crop - I may open it up a little.

    I felt a little disappointed earlier that these images weren't better, but I am my own harshest critic (which has positives and negatives). I have dreams of starting my own studio - they become more vivid on days where I am chained to my desk at work - but I have some severe upskilling to do before I can get away from the day job!

    For the future I want to:
    think about poses or a theme for the shoot;
    Shoot a wider selection of images and at different distances (ie half length, full length, etc )
    Set a manual wb with a card
    Use an uncreased background that I don't have to pp (unnecessary time added to the job)
    set the light in a way that works for my model (here the 45 has slightly thickened her face; A butterfly set-up would have been much more flattering for her face shape)
    Improve the post processing of the skin -possibly learn frequency separation
    Find a less processed way to handle the whites of the eyes

    So yeah. Lots to learn.

  11. #11
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Zena - Portrait shoot

    If you fancy a joint gig sometime/somewhere, not that I can bring any special skills or knowledge (and I've no idea how/where to get a 'model'/subject), I reckon we're about 1.5 to 2 hours apart and that's do-able (by me) M25 permitting. I'm used to trips to Tunbridge Wells (from Windsor) for my Chloe shoots, but I have to pick my journey time to avoid the busy times.

    PM me if interested - it's just a thought.

  12. #12
    KimC's Avatar
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    Re: Zena - Portrait shoot

    Simon, you mentioned wanting learn more about posing. You might want to check out Roberto Valenzuela's books (Amazon has them) - he has one on posing. I like his books as his explanations are not super technical and he offers photos that relate to what he's discussing (which is helpful to me as I'm a visual learner).

    I'm glad you had this opportunity. Every time we shoot, we learn and enhance our skills.

  13. #13
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    Re: Zena - Portrait shoot

    That's a nice idea Dave - maybe we should have a cuppa next time you are passing. I'll PM you.

  14. #14
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    Re: Zena - Portrait shoot

    Quote Originally Posted by KimC View Post
    Simon, you mentioned wanting learn more about posing. You might want to check out Roberto Valenzuela's books (Amazon has them) - he has one on posing. I like his books as his explanations are not super technical and he offers photos that relate to what he's discussing (which is helpful to me as I'm a visual learner).

    I'm glad you had this opportunity. Every time we shoot, we learn and enhance our skills.
    Kim, I ordered the Valenzuela book a little while ago and am looking forward to reading it. My recollection is that you or perhaps someone else had referred to it.

    Simon, I noted your comment that your monitor isn't caliibrated. As I'm sure you know, trying to adjust white balance on an uncalibrated/profiled monitor is well nigh impossible. Thanks for starting this thread. I'm in the very early stages of wanting to do some portrait work so am finding everyone's comments helpful.

  15. #15
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    Re: Zena - Portrait shoot

    Bruce - I process on my laptop, and the screen isn't very high quality so I'm not worrying about it at this stage. It is difficult, but my iPad gives a much better and truer colour recreation so at least I know that I've screwed it up after I've uploaded the images I'll get a decent monitor and calibrate it someday.

    Kim - thanks for the suggestion, I'll see if I can pick up a copy.

  16. #16
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Zena - Portrait shoot

    Hi Kim,

    As it happened (this very evening), I stumbled across that posing book as a recommendation from Amazon (they know me too well) and having read the "Look Inside" preview, have now bought it for my Kindle.

    Thanks, Dave

  17. #17
    mknittle's Avatar
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    Re: Zena - Portrait shoot

    I really like the last one Simon.

  18. #18
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    Re: Zena - Portrait shoot

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Hi Kim,

    As it happened (this very evening), I stumbled across that posing book as a recommendation from Amazon (they know me too well) and having read the "Look Inside" preview, have now bought it for my Kindle.

    Thanks, Dave
    Dave, like you, the "Look Inside" preview is what decided for me that I should get the book.

  19. #19
    dragon76's Avatar
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    Re: Zena - Portrait shoot

    Quote Originally Posted by ionian View Post
    We had a young model at my club this week, so I had the opportunity to shoot under strobes with someone to direct for the first time. Three attempts of Zena below - processed in LR and PS, and for your C&C.

    As I am happy with my technical ability and having read copious amounts about the theory behind lighting a model (not that I got to play with light placement too much), I went in full of confidence. I struck up an easy rapport with Zena, and then I realised the glaring gap in my knowledge - I have no idea how to pose a model. I have some basic ideas but I must learn what to do with a person, and know the sort of shots I want in advance. Because of this, these have ended up as just headshots. Arms and hands looked too complicated!

    I don't want to waste another opportunity to work with someone, especially as I consider various portfolio options, so I will have to work on addressing this area quickly. I do have plenty of portraiture experience, but most of it is candid or street work so I am waiting for the moment, not creating it.

    1. I'm happy with the processing here; I used a 50mm prime (on a crop) which, whilst fine for toddlers, has caused some slightly unflattering distortion across her face.

    2. At least I tried for a different look here! However, her eyes are great so I regret not having them featured. Still, the toned mono looks nice.

    3. This is a nice shot of a natural laugh, something I am much more confident in catching, but it shows her in a very un-model like pose. Also, the highlights on the right are blown from her moving away from the hair highlight strobe - is this still acceptable, can it be rescued or is this for the bin?
    Hi Simon

    Great set. I like No.1. No.2 colour is never my thing. No.3. Chin up is something I always try to avoid but if the model is comfortable with it then while blurring out the eye bags, I would also blur out the neck area and take out the lines. Was the kicker light gridded? The canines should also be whiten.



  20. #20
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Zena - Portrait shoot

    Dave, can you tell me how the Kindle version behave as? A friend of Bill bought him a Kindle Fire for his birthday last year and I just use it for my kitchen. No...not as a tea towel...following recipes. It might be useful for something many useless tablets littering desk tops little brain...LOL

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Hi Kim,

    As it happened (this very evening), I stumbled across that posing book as a recommendation from Amazon (they know me too well) and having read the "Look Inside" preview, have now bought it for my Kindle.

    Thanks, Dave

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