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Thread: Donald hits the streets!

  1. #1
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Donald hits the streets!

    As I said in my most recent new post, here :- "I am determined that, despite my inner protestations to stick within my comfort zone, I am going to expand my photographic horizons and start taking a more contemporary approach to image-making. This fits with the teaching on the BA in Photography course I am currently undertaking."

    Working on a concept, or an idea, is very different from just creating single images. What we are talking about is the vision built up and presented in a series of images, not just one. Each image needs to be of a high standard, of course, but the notion is that it is not about one 'wow' image. At last I've been able to be with the person about whom I care very deeply whilst we capture photographs. She is a far more imaginative, innovative and creative artist using a camera than I am. But I think I'm a good pupil.

    Up to now I've shown single images in posts. But this has more than one image. These are the very first part of an idea/concept. There's a long, long way to go.

    I'm not asking is one better than another. That is not the point. The goal is about creating a coherent body of work, that is of a high standard. Against that criteria, your thoughts and comments are welcome.

    Donald hits the streets!

    Donald hits the streets!

    Donald hits the streets!

    Donald hits the streets!

  2. #2

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    Re: Donald hits the streets!

    I would like to see the man or the shadow of the man in the 3rd photo.
    I'm not sure if the ladies in the last photo are the same as the ones on the sidewalk - I don't think they are BUT even so, without searching, my first impression is that the legs have arrived at their destination. If the man or his shadow was there, then it my imagination can go in more directions.

  3. #3

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    Re: Donald hits the streets!

    Shadows are always interesting subject material, both with and without the inclusion of the objects making them.
    I like the concept in the first three shots, but would have preferred less clutter around. The shadow of the canopy obscures some of the detail in the first shot. In my opinion, had you either taken a step to the right as the man passed, or waited until he was past the canopy shadow, more of his shadow could be seen, which would have made the composition more interesting and stronger.
    A similar fix would have improved number three.
    Did you try moving to the opposite side of the street to get complete shadows of people approaching?
    I like number four because it is an interesting composition, and I've always felt that photographing persons walking away from the camera adds an area of mystery to them resulting in more questions than answers. My only nitpick here is that there seems to be a bit of perspective distortion with the small horizontal lintels at either end of the arch being at different heights, something easily corrected in post-processing.
    As a general observation about these four shots and your other in "Forcing myself into new areas", which I applaud and encourage, they all avoid any sort of direct interaction with the subjects. I suppose this could be construed as "baby steps" in an effort to ease gradually into street photography, or perhaps just by co-incidence, different compositional viewpoints that don't require face to face.
    Perhaps I'm overthinking this, but I'd be interested to hear your comments.
    Last edited by RBSinTo; 13th May 2016 at 02:18 PM.

  4. #4
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Donald hits the streets!

    Quote Originally Posted by RBSinTo View Post
    As a general observation about these four shots and your other in "Forcing myself into new areas", which I applaud and encourage, they all avoid any sort of direct interaction with the subjects. I suppose this could be construed as "baby steps" in an effort to ease gradually into street photography, or perhaps just by co-incidence, different compositional viewpoints that don't require face to face.
    Perhaps I'm overthinking this, but I'd be interested to hear your comments on this.
    First of all, Thank you, Robert, for a comprehensive critique.

    You are absolutely right on the point you make. I do feel the need to move to the direct interaction you refer to. However and interestingly, I am also learning of the school of thought that says any direct interaction then detracts from the spontaneity of the action.

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    Re: Donald hits the streets!

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    First of all, Thank you, Robert, for a comprehensive critique.

    You are absolutely right on the point you make. I do feel the need to move to the direct interaction you refer to. However and interestingly, I am also learning of the school of thought that says any direct interaction then detracts from the spontaneity of the action.
    That of course depends on the degree and the discretion of the interaction. Carefully and discretely pointing a camera at nearby subjects is vastly different from walking up to them and starting a conversation. One has to learn to pick one's spots and that comes from practice and experience.

  6. #6
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    Re: Donald hits the streets!

    I do like these Donald, the compositions work and they are processed well.

    #3 is my personal favourite.

    You've made a good start I'd say, its all about building confidence.

  7. #7

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    Re: Donald hits the streets!

    I like the idea, where the whole is greater than the parts thereof, so to speak.

    I kind of like electrical power poles with all that clunky stuff on top. Not short of those around here, courtesy of San Bernard Electrical Cooperative. I feel a theme coming on . . . thanks, Donald!
    Last edited by xpatUSA; 13th May 2016 at 03:45 PM.

  8. #8
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Donald hits the streets!

    Nice concept, I think your approach can be expanded upon by bringing out more details in the shadows, not by editing but in the original capture. For me the mystery, fun, danger is always what's in the shadows.

  9. #9

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    Re: Donald hits the streets!

    As individual parts of a concept/theme they fit very well together. A project is a good starting point and a great way to do street photography.

    It might be helpful to ask the occassional person if you can take their photo. Even if they say no, it's still a confidence booster in interacting.

    Have fun!


  10. #10
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Donald hits the streets!

    Thank you all for such constructive and thoughtful comments. This is me very much on a learning curve and your thoughts and ideas have been logged and will provide further guidance.

  11. #11

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    Re: Donald hits the streets!

    I wouldn't be surprised to learn that the world seen by most people is similar to the view displayed in the first three images. So many people tend to be looking down as they walk, especially now that the smart phone is ubiquitous, that I wonder if most of us never see the faces of the people walking in the opposite direction.

    I don't understand Latin, so I wonder if the sign underneath the arch is an important part of the last image.

  12. #12
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Donald hits the streets!

    Thank you, Mike. What you say about looking down is so true.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    I don't understand Latin, so I wonder if the sign underneath the arch is an important part of the last image.
    This is a quite famous gateway that is part of the University of St Andrews. The inscription is is indeed a central part of that particular gateway. I suspect it has great meaning, but, like you, am a non-Latin speaker.

  13. #13
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Donald hits the streets!

    "In the beginning was the Word".

    It is the first phrase of The Gospel according to Saint John, Chapter 1, Verse 1.

    (credit a good Latin Teacher in High School and "Sunday School" when I was little. The complete Latin phrase on the archway is undoubtedly "in principio erat verbum")
    Last edited by William W; 14th May 2016 at 02:48 PM.

  14. #14
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Donald hits the streets!

    I do not mind the clutter of the shadow of the canopy in the first three images, because there is the release/resolution of that clutter, in image four.

    My critique would be that the of image four comes too quickly, there should be more building to the climax – if indeed image four is to be the resolution of it.

    My first thought was that [you photographing] the Latin Inscription was purposeful and my initial viewing and comments were to hold that belief: it wasn’t until I was about to post these comments that it became apparent to me that the inscription had no weight - though perhaps now it does?

    Last edited by William W; 14th May 2016 at 02:55 PM.

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