No..I have not gone all 'normal' on you...never fear!
This scene did however catch my eye on an early summer evening.Untitled by sharon reid, on Flickr
No..I have not gone all 'normal' on you...never fear!
This scene did however catch my eye on an early summer evening.Untitled by sharon reid, on Flickr
Nicely captured.
Not what I was expecting, however I can see why it caught your eye, it would catch mine also.
Cheers: Allan
Nice sense of perspective.
I saw this earlier on my phone which clearly did not do this image justice. Absolutely (well, nearly so) timeless image. If it were me I would likely clone out that post (of some kind) on the left ~1/4, roughly half way up (or down if you're a glass-half-empty kind of person). Great image!
Wonderful composition and toning!
My thoughts exactly.
With something like this, so many of us stand in the middle of the road and have the edges of the roadway equally balanced on both sides. But if you stand off-centre, as in this case, you give the image a different dynamic. Knowing to do this is something you just learn to 'feel' and given Sharon's creativity, it's no surprise to see it in this image.
Beautifully made image.
Jack..thank you so much..I am definitely a half full sort of a lass.
Thinking about your comments re.timeless and the post on the left. I really didn't notice it until you mentioned it and now ..being aware and ok with it being there.
Maybe 'Timeless' means embracing these small modernities...
at least it wasn't power lines.
I too noticed the post...but I noticed the colour effect more and was enchanted by it more than looking for nits. Well done.
Sharon, in my humble opinion you have made a few mistakes. I just can't locate them at the moment. Sorry.
Cheers Ole
It works for me Sharon,
But you know me - so that's as a traditional monochrome landscape, dare I say 'normal'.
The post is the closest, most cospicuous, man-made thing, it is also 'geometrically' obvious due to its straight sided shape and 'verticality', enhanced by sharpening, however, it is far enough away not to distract me too much and besides, such poles are not uncommon in rural united kingdom (he says, picking his words very carefully).
I agree with Donald's view on not being dead centre of the road being a benefit, this may mark a change in my attitude to such things borne of recent education I am undertaking (though not as formal as Donald's course).
Nice one, Dave
This is so not normal. The way you have captured the light and converted into a black and white /sepia image is beautiful and makes an image you can look at for a long time. it is not your normal style, but surely that develops over time and if not you are stuck in a rut.
Very nice image Sharon
Love the composition Sharon, but I don't like the post-processing sorry - but thats just personal preference.