Very nice shooting angle John, I like it a lot
I really like the shooting angle and the way it gives you a sense of scale and movement. There's a touch too much structure in the sky for my taste - the saturated colour is nice but I wonder if painting the clouds with negative clarity would make a difference?
I like it John, I think a little slower on the shutter speed would of been better but thats a total guess - you can never tell with these shots.
I love this image. The POV and the motion in the blades (?) are great.
Love that unusual angle and of course the moving sails, well done.
I think you have done well in capturing the motion of the blades, but they are partially lost against the clouds in the background - particularly the upper one. Maybe that is just because they appear to be a similar colour to the clouds, which might be the result of the way you have processed the image? Nevertheless, it is a striking image, John.
Thanks for all the comments. This is definitely over processed but deliberately in the sense that it was taken with mono in mind (see below). The sky results initially from a polariser but I have saturated the blue with the conversion in mind. However, having got to that point, I quite liked it and so left it as a colour image.
Love the angle and the POV of this image, John...I think I prefer the B/W version more as the sky is so much pronounced in the first one. At 1/3200 exposure time the blades still blurs? Is it really rotating that much? Any sails from the windmills I had seen from the past never moves. I have not been lucky that far yet...