Lovely colours. I'd crop a little off the left so that wave and sun are not so central, probably up as far as where the water is crashing over the wall
I see that you're taking advantage of the same scene used in your monochrome image. In this color one, I like how the sun is framed by the splash and clouds.
Hi Kaye What I like in the composition is the diagonal which is created by the pebbles at the left hand corner, splash, sun and clouds . And the pano format goes well with this composition.When I tried cropping the image from the LHS as you suggested , the sun became too centered, I lost the diagonal and also the pano format.So, it created a completely different image.May be because I edited and uploaded a B&W image with a similar composition to your suggestion in my previous thread Splash, I want to keep this color image in the pano format . Thanks for looking and commenting
Hi Mike . Yes, this is another shot from the same photo session. I wanted to edit this image in color because the angle of the sun is lower in this image as it was shot about 30 minutes later than the B&W image and it created a milder look. Thanks for looking and commenting
Beautiful colors...i liked it; i could feel the sunset
That's a wonderful image.....looks especially good once clicked on.
Beautiful image. +1 to Mike's comment about the framing of this shot.
Binnur, this is a truly gorgeous sunset. And, another +1 to Mikes comment about the framing.
Just adding my compliments as well. It's beautiful!
Hi Binnur What a magical image, truly beautiful.