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Thread: Light Room CC; Settings for Centering a Photo on the Paper/Epson P600

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Ronald J Stein

    Light Room CC; Settings for Centering a Photo on the Paper/Epson P600

    When I print from Lt. Room CC, my photos are always set to one side of the paper even tho I have my Epson P600 set to special size borders, such as 1/4" all around. Example: if I set my boarders to 1/4" my photo will have a border of 1/8th on one side and 3/8ths on the opposite side! I do not know what settings I'm doing wrong!

  2. #2
    mastamak's Avatar
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    Re: Light Room CC; Settings for Centering a Photo on the Paper/Epson P600

    I would suggest you let Lightroom set the borders (margins) and not the printer. Turn borders off on your printer and set the desired 1/4in border using the Margins setting in the LR print module. Tick the show guides section and you will see the size and location of the final image displayed by Lightroom. The image will fit exactly to the margins provided the aspect ratio of the image is exactly the same as your paper size. If not, you will have to go to the Develop module and crop the image to the same aspect ration as the paper, otherwise you will get strips of white paper on either side of the image which will make the margins look incorrect. Alternatively you can click on Zoom to Fill in the Print module which will have the effect of fitting the image to the available space leaving the margins as set.

  3. #3
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Light Room CC; Settings for Centering a Photo on the Paper/Epson P600

    I print with a Canon printer, but I'm guessing that Grant nailed it. I do precisely what he suggests, and it has almost always worked well. LR shows you were the photo is supposed to be on the sheet, given the settings you choose, and those seem to be accurate most of the time, in my experience.

  4. #4
    New Member
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    Green Valley, AZ just south o f Tucson- High Desert
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    Re: Light Room CC; Settings for Centering a Photo on the Paper/Epson P600

    Thanks- I will give it a try AGAIN! I'll let you all know!!

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