In the final few days in our mountainside home I realized how badly I'd taken for granted the abundance of wildflowers just at our back door. Over the years I was very complacent with the attitude that they'd always be there. It's very late in the season but the monk's hood were still in bloom and that's one flower that I'd sadly overlooked to date. So I did take the time to grab a few shots. They are beautiful blooms. It was a windy day but I did what I could.
1) Monk's hood are typical tall, meadow type plants. The bloom sits atop a stalk a couple feet off the ground.
2) The source of the name seems rather obvious when one considers the shape.
Another plant I've neglected paying attention to is simply a grass with a nice seed top. Here they are commonly called fox tail and though quite pretty in the sunlight are hated by dog owners. The seeds have barbs on them similar to porcupine quills and if inhaled by a dog can imbed themselves in the sinus resulting in rather expensive veterinary bills and in extreme cases can kill the dog.
5) Backlit fox tail seed head.
Speaking of dogs, of course I had my little helper along on the shoot.
6) Grace's idea of helping.
7) And frustrated with her father for making her sit still long enough for a pose.