Prior to being interrupted by our changing addresses, I posted several threads displaying the unusually dry, sunny summer we were having. Yes WERE having. Not only did things return to normal but the rains fell in quantities to make up for lost time. So, here are some shots from our most recent trip on Prince William Sound.
All of the following landscapes were shot with D810/24-120mm f4. The wildlife were shot with D500/200-500mm f5.6.
1) Starting with a b/w conversion seems fitting. This scene is looking back up Port Valdez as we were headed back out on the sound after spending a night in town. Two shots merged into pano. This looked OK late last night. Now it seems to be lacking contrast.
2) No rain, no green. This summer we've seen dozens of water falls that we've never previously seen flowing.
3) Even overcast it can be lovely. This is a place called Deep Water Bay that is surrounded by granite peaks.
4) Not a bad anchorage. We hiked across the hill behind the boat and found a lovely little valley with a lake.
5) And not such a great anchorage. It rained non-stop for 72 hours. One crazy thing about this area for boating is that it was nearly a clock calm in this spot and a couple of miles away the wind was blowing 20-30 mph(30-50 kph). Unfortunately the wind precluded our crossing a bay to get home so we were stuck in the rain for a couple of days longer than we wished.
6) In Deep Water Bay we ran across this accommodating otter in some absolutely perfect water.
7) This has been the summer for whales. This male was cruising slightly removed from the rest of the pod.
8) The next morning on our way to go fishing they were still around. Three females and a youngster right up against his mom's side.
9) Then while we were salmon fishing we watched this humpback swim along on his side loudly slapping his pectoral fins down on the water. He cruised for a mile or so doing this the entire time and switching sides every now and then. I have no idea what it was doing.