Hi Binnur,
Now I get to quiz you, what was it about the mono version that didn't meet your expectation. I tried to convey the same as was presented in the color version but even I noticed that the background seemed to pop with the mono version; the background seemed to fade into the background with the original.
Hi JohnI think you increased the contrast too much in the B&W conversion and the BG started competing with the woman and her mask. Also the mask is more visible in the color version as her skin color is different from the grey colored mask but in the B&W there are similar tones of grey in her skin and her mask which makes the mask stand out less.So, may be a different B&W conversion and PP work would work better in the B&W
I think you will need to redo the colour image first before converting to black and white. Areas of the mask are too bright and lack contrast so it disappears even in the colour shot to some extent.
I'm a bit like Manfed John. The first shot is too much for me. I'd want more subtle. Interesting idea though.
The comment was based round the rabbit mask. It would need a lot more detail showing clearly in it to work in black and white. Not so much as a typical hard paper black and white conversion but enough for it to show up well.