So we visited Pompeii back during the summer, unfortunately it was Mid - Day (1330 - 1500) and hard to find the best options for a good photography to really convey the feelings one has at Pompeii. . I think I had a polarizer on during these (cannot remember).
We did have a VERY VERY VERY good guided tour. It was a bit of a Marathon given the short time we had, as we were scheduled for a late afternoon Wine Tasting at the base of Vesuvius. But the tour ensure we saw ALL of the highlights.
Pompeii struck me as an amazing place and to think of the organization, the structure and then just the fact that the city Disappeared. I would really like someday to go back and during the golden hours photograph this place. There is so much to consider here and realize how advance this civilization was that the time.
Here are a few of my Favorites - C&C Welcome
1. Vesuvius looks down over the Wine Fields of Pompeii - I like the leading lines of the wine field and the bit of shade in the foreground. Perhaps a step to the right to be more in the line of the row would have been better. I have this in Landscape as well, for me with the clouds Portrait works better.
2. Houses and Archeology of Pompeii THe white house is where the first ruins was found, and then they kept digging and exposed the city. I played around a bit darkening some of the areas in Post Processing (I have been reading Rick Sammons book lately - he keeps saying the the shadows are the soul of the photo). I today that is a bit of my thoughts and it seems to help a bit on some of these Mid Day shots.
I have a couple other photos - but between the Marathon Tour, carrying my Daughter, and the heat it was a challenging day. Hoping some day to go back
I appreciate any feedback.