Nice essay.
I like the compositions, the light is atmospheric and the contrast is nice, especially on the first, thanks to the natural back light and the bulb somewhere on camera left.
The second works for me too as there is a strong sense of communication and interaction (decision making) going on between the subjects (for me at least). Something is happening, a story is unfolding and you gave us an insight through the window of the frame.
My favourite is the third image. The movement, the textural contrast between the movement blur and the sharp figure with the basket on her head, who seems to be mindfully contemplating something within herself within the context of her repetitive unconscious work. I want to know what she is thinking, where she is going, where is she coming from, what story does she live everyday? Excellent lead space (is that what is called) for her to walk into, her position within the frame is pretty much perfect and both exciting and comfortable for me being balanced, but dynamically so. The level of sharpness against the smoother texture of the blur is more than enough to convey her as your main subject here. Again this is where a strong idea trumps technical perfection. The colour is nice, not too saturated, smooth so not so distracting (I think all of these images would work best in black and white, but that's me and there is so much colour in South Asia... what do you do?!... but this third image totally works in colour!). The red blob just behind her might need some toning down as it isn't part of her dress or head dress, and is a little distracting - nit picking here. This is the strongest image for me.
Thanks so much for sharing and I can't wait for more
Regards, Pete