I do not know if you want a C&C but I will say it anyway -- my head (and sight) seems to be craning to the right just looking at this image. I like the clouds though and the scene -- I think it just needs a bit of straightening or something..
Very good shot
Hi Doug,
Nice shot with good WB, exposure and composition - lots of interest for me to look at. Even the clouds co-operated by surrounding the structure
I like the old red truck - is the building still used?
Perhaps as a museum?
I note there are a couple of satellite dishes over by the chimney, but you have to really look to see them.
Some may suggest removing the "217" sign, but I assume it is a railroad distance marker that some might find useful to locate the building.
I think it is a case of "or something"
I checked pretty carefully and determined that the nearest corner of the 3 floor part of the building, which is about in the middle of the image, is vertical (i.e. parallel to the edge of my screen).
It just so happens that all of the tall parts are to the right of this and some slight uncorrected converging verticals (aka 'perspective distortion') make them all lean in, which suggests the image needs a small clockwise rotation (but it doesn't).
Although the corner of the building on the left hand side is much shorter, making it harder to judge, I believe it is also leaning in towards the top of frame, hence my diagnosis. The chimney is leaning left too, but I'd be reluctant to rely on that alone in case it really is (very) slowly falling.
If the tall parts of the building weren't all to the RHS of frame, I wouldn't even suggest correcting the convergence, but as it is, it might be wise.
Hope that helps, Dave
Is it giving too much away to say I wondered if you meant Juliet Mills?