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I don't think this is the right way to explain the differences between raw and jpg. You don't give a tool for self development.
A raw file and a jpg-file so out off the camera will look exactly the same.
The raw and jpg files are disk files . They contain information but no image in the way we can see them through a monitor or printer. I know it's not accepted here, but the image file is a rgb raster image which resides in the memory of the pc. The main question will be: where does that image come from.
If it comes from a raw file, than that file has to be converted to a rgb raster image. That conversion can be done in the camera or external through a range of converters. Every converter will give another result.
If it comes from a jpg, then the rgb raster image has been created before and saved in a compressed way to disk.
I know I don't make friends showing this again, but until now it's the only, simple, representation of the differences between raw and jpg. The sensor data or color filter array is your raw file. And you can see the diffrence between the raw and jpg.
Always keep in mind, where does that rgb raster image comes from. If you do that, a lot of other questions will be answered to, by your self.