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Thread: Topping Arthur's Wife's Brow.

  1. #21
    Cantab's Avatar
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    Re: Topping Arthur's Wife's Brow.

    John, many thanks for the detailed instructions, which I've now printed. I've tried doing borders in PS in the past and had nothing but frustration.

    I thoroughly enjoy the steam engine photos. My grandfather was a steam engine engineer on the CPR (Canadian Pacific Railway) on the prairies so maybe that's where the attraction comes from for me. I went on a steam train trip in England in the 1980's but have never done so in Canada.

  2. #22

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    Re: Topping Arthur's Wife's Brow.

    Ah yes, the first image is the one I remember and I thought you posted it again

    Quote Originally Posted by John 2 View Post
    Thanks Binnur, Thanks Bruce.

    Bruce, It's home cooked in Photoshop. If you have PS, add any border you have in mind e.g. a Stroke line, copy your image, increase the size of the canvas to what ever suits you, add a Stroke line to the canvas at this point if you want one. Next, paste back the copied image which will become a top layer. Finally, with the top layer selected, open up Layers/Layer Style and then Drop Shadow. In the dialogue box that appears, set the required shadow angle and move the sliders to get the effect you like. It's important to add any stroke line to the canvas before you create the top layer because it will produce an odd 3D effect (which you might like) if you don't. If you forget, flattening your image before adding a Stroke line to the canvas will avoid this.

    Binnur, I don't think you have seen this particular shot before. I might have forgotten to move it across to my "Posted" file but I don't think so?? I have carried out a search on the forum under it's catalogue title (i.e. the title I used before I thought of this one) but nothing has come up. However, it's a favourite spot because of the absence of overhead wires etc. and this particular engine is based locally and we see a lot of it - working hard because of the incline. You maybe thinking of one of the following which I have posted before.:

    Topping Arthur's Wife's Brow.

    Topping Arthur's Wife's Brow.

  3. #23

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    Re: Topping Arthur's Wife's Brow.

    Bruce you're welcome.

    Glad we cleared that up Binnur. I try to be organised to avoid duplicating posts but ..................

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