The winter storm which hit the USA east coast passed through Saturday. Sunday Morning it was 21F(-6C) here. Just a bit too cold for the clothing at my disposal to go sit still by the marsh in hopes of some activity. So I went for a walk on the beach to see if anything was moving. Which was still plenty cold with a biting north wind. But I managed a few shots before my fingers stopped functioning.
1) A semipalmated plover fluffed up against the cold and lit by the sun just moments after sunrise.
2) Bald eagles are making quite a comeback in North America. I never saw one in this area when I was growing up. We've seen at least two adults and three immature birds in the past week since we've been here. There were a couple on the beach when I went out. This juvie cruised by in camera range.
And I found a few Forster's terns feeding in the mouth of the inlet. Their fishing pattern took them by in good shooting range and several times they dove very close by. They are in their winter plumage. When breeding the tops of their heads turn black and being about the same size they are nearly indistinguishable from arctic terns.
3) In coming and backlit.
4) Taking off from the water after a dive. The eye isn't visible but I like the wing detail and the legs/feet in this shot.
5) Front and dorsal view.
6) And giving me a nice look.