Despite my ongoing incredulity at how things have gone politically in the US, it remains for me the most wonderful and amazing country, with the most friendly, polite and helpful people that I have ever encountered (I know, I haven't been everywhere).
This tree, in Yosemite, carries the name of the Scotsman who was at the forefront of the establishment of the national park system in America. By all accounts, Muir was an 'interesting' character. As told to me by a professional photographer working in the park, Muir wanted to 'really' experience nature. He wanted to know what it was like for a tree being tossed around in a storm. So, apparently, when there was a storm he would climb this tree and hang on in there. I don't know whether he tied himself to it or not. Maybe Scots and Americans are well suited after all !
Anyway, your comments on this as an image will be welcomed.