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Thread: Spring is on it's way

  1. #1
    Craigie's Avatar
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    Perth Scotland
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    Gary Cantwell

    Spring is on it's way

    A sign of Spring when the Blossom trees flower.
    This shot was always going to have a busy BG.
    I tried to use that to my advantage, by setting my camera to f13.
    My thoughts were not blur the BG to much so the blossoms in the BG were unrecognisable. As they would have been if I went lower f number ie f3.5.
    C&C welcome.
    I am going try using flickr instead of tinypic.
    When logging into tinypic I get loads of pop ups, which have to load before I can use tinypic

    Spring is on it's waySpringtime by Gary Cantwell, on Flickr

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Spring is on it's way

    Very nice, yes spring is teasing us with brief glimpses of what is to come.

  3. #3
    Craigie's Avatar
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    Gary Cantwell

    Re: Spring is on it's way

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    Very nice, yes spring is teasing us with brief glimpses of what is to come.
    Thanks John for viewing and commenting.

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Re: Spring is on it's way

    Excellent capture, Gary. Very good exposure without blowing out the white highlights. Thanks for sharing the image.

  5. #5
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Spring is on it's way

    Gary, I seriously thought we are going to have Spring here too, bypassing real winter, but we went out of luck -- we had snow early this morning and ruined what was left of the blossoming magnolia on the tree which I had wanted to take a picture of but can't and didn't. I even laughed when my specialist said he intend to fly out of state yesterday after work and will be back when the snow all blew out of our way. I am sure glad you have good weather your way. Your flower looks so delicate. I like the way you did this one...

  6. #6

    Join Date
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    South Devon, UK

    Re: Spring is on it's way

    Certainly one of those very difficult scenes, Gary. The only options are to select a cluster of flowers on the edge where you can get a clean sky background or attempt to sufficiently blur a busy background.

    You have managed to get good bright light but without any loss of detail or over exposure hot spots. Well worth seeing with the Lightbox view.

    Sometimes with scenes like this I have managed to merge a few focus points which were shot with a wide aperture to get a sharp main subject and a really blurred background but that requires a tripod and no wind movement. There are arguments for and against either option with backgrounds.

    You say you are getting issues with Tinypics. Are you going directly into Tinypics before uploading or using the Click Here To Upload menu from CinC?

    I link in a lot of my images from P base and they all work well. But I don't see any problems when I go through the CinC Tinypics menu.

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