First off I would like to take this opportunity to express my thanks to all of the people on CiC who gave me suggestions and ideas for routes to travel and things to see whilst in New Zealand. Thank you all we had a brilliant time during our travels within New Zealand. We arrived back in the UK on Monday13th and my sleep pattern is still all over the place.
I thought I would start a thread around the Waitangi Day happenings as I witnessed them, sadly what you cannot get from the images of the Waka's (war canoes) is the sound of the rhythmic chanting and general sense of excitement given off by the audience.
#1 I believe that the larger of the two Waka in this image is Ngatokimatawhaorua, one of the largest Māori waka. It normally resides in it's display area within the Treaty Ground.
#2 The Waka fleet preparing to run around to the Treaty ground to take part in the Waitianga Day celebrations.
#3 Some of the Waka crew who were getting ready for the Waka to be brought ashore, the rails that can be seen are the track that is used to get the Waka from the beach to the shelter.
#4 Impressive Art/Ink work.
#5 One of the vessels we spotted whilst we were en-route to Russell on the slow ferry.
#6 This looked exciting and great weather to try it out. I deliberately left the tow line visible in the image.