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Thread: Spring-themed macro

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    Spring-themed macro

    Spring-themed macro

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    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Spring-themed macro

    Hi Werner,

    I find it's a bit disappointing when an image gets a lot of views (56 as I type) and no comments.

    I think the issue here is that it is quite small as presented and doesn't look that sharp, there are a few other technical issues that might be addressed, but it's difficult to be certain when it is so small.

    I took a peek at it in your Photostream, where I can see it larger.

    It is looking over exposed, I think you lost detail in the highlights where it is backlit and this, along with being presented at a small size without appropriate final sharpening, is contributing to the perception of softness. It would probably benefit from some Local Contrast Enhancement (LCE) too.

    I don't know your thoughts on image manipulation, but if I'd taken this, I'd be looking to remove image elements that do not contribute positively to the composition; e.g. the oof thing bottom centre of frame, the cobweb in front of that and the oof white line over in lower left corner. These things I'd clone out, but your mileage may vary, as they say.

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    We'd have more idea what to helpfully say, if given some information.

    It is very difficult to correctly expose flowers, especially in sunlight and the backlight angle on this shot Pussy Willow II, is not helping, compared to say Pussy Willow and Pussy Willow IV (on Flickr). In particular, you'll note the different 'look' between the three shots, the non-front (or side) lit ones looking significantly more 'drab', when the light comes from certain angles, not only do you have to keep an eye on what the meter is trying to do to expose correctly (or change it yourself if shooting Manual), but also the PP needs will differ too.

    I hope this is helpful, Dave

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