I listened to an "experienced photographer" tell someone CONSIDERING getting into wildlife photography the following:
“If you are serious about photography and you want great photos, you need to invest in great cameras. Look at professionals, you don’t see them with cheap gear”.
Because that's what they had, and with no questions asked about budget, this "experienced person" recommended a kit similar to the 7D MkII + Canon 100-400MkII + Expander 1.4MkIII - Cost about $5600 Can.. It goes without saying that the poor novice was totally intimidated and was prepared to give up right then.
While there may be some truth for VERY serious photographers, I consider that rather inappropriate for someone starting from scratch. In response to that experience I created a PowerPoint presentation called Inferior Images, using older or lower end camera bodies.
see: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AkpuvZN5i75GgksBQ1UyltERVntR - hopefully the music will play, and you have to give PowerPoint on line some time to generate the show. The images are not as high resolution as originally taken and seem to be a bit more degraded by the sharing process, but hopefully I make my point.
If you prefer to see the show in better resolution you can download it and run it on your machine, just remember to bring over the music track!
The first slide in the show requires you to click to get rid of the quote, then click again when the title Inferior Images Appears, that should start the show going with the first slide and all others changing about every 10 seconds thereafter. After the two clicks, just wait... it will move on.
This ties back to the thread on two approaches to bird photography. Since I had the gear and I am attending an orientation to newbie photographers, I decided to demonstrate value for money between a starter solution and the heavy duty one. Hopefully I can make my point - it worked for me!![]()