Very nice detail in the bright tones in the bird!
Nice image of a lovely creature.
Very good exposure which has retained plenty of fine feather detail.
The water reflections really lead you through the frame. Very nice feathers. It is looking rather demur in that pose..
Thank you Susan for your kind comment.
What do you mean by "warlike postures" that the birds are showing?
On the second batch, the two swans have different coloured beaks? Is that a signification of gender? (I should google my question, but call it laziness in the late morning near breakfast time...)
The castles are beautiful...all of them pics. I like the first one because of the drama of the dark clouds behind and above. The mood is pretty with that head on sun.
#3's reflection is so much better than #2. I like it. Very nicely composed.
#4 fired up my imagination -- the top of the structure looks like either an angry soldier or a yawning one.
Even the last one is nicely composed...all those greens, the place must be enormous!
Hi Izzie
Thank you for your comments.
"warlike postures" means for me "aggressive" (sorry if I made a translation mistake).
color of beaks ? mystery for me too. I hope a specialist could answer, and I've already wrote that I'm lazy too.
difference between # 2 and # 3 is due to difference of brightness of the sky, and maybe more wind in the first.
as you are just just waking upthe top of the structure looks like either an angry soldier or a yawning one
# 5 My wife and I spent more than 2 hours strolling in the park even without visiting all of its span.
I think "warlike posture" is a good a description as any for an aggressive stance.
The usual distinction between the sexes in swans is that the male (cob) has a knob at the base of the bill and the female (pen) does not. In the right-hand bird of the pair, it is difficult to distinguish if there is a knob or not. I would guess there is none. The colour of the bill simply indicates that is a young adult.
BTW, the use of 'gender' instead of 'sex' continues to gall me. Gender was once a word confined to sociology and psychology before being appropriated by the politically correct. Now the use of gender seems to have usurped sex.
Thank you John.
I increase my vocabulary everyday here..... and I don't have to pay the bill