Nice concept and capture.
Randy, a lovely shot...Thanks for posting, I photograph lichens here too, fascinated by the textures. I rarely show them to people because they don't really get my pov.
Randy, nice shot, been known to photograph them - and slime molds![]()
A nice close-up. The great advantage of lichens (and slime-moulds) is that they do not move, even in a wind . I have also photographed slime-moulds and I have to admit that they are not as photogenic as lichens.
Very nice![]()
When I ask my husband to bring me out somewhere, he will choose a place where there will be either activities or sceneries. Then on the way home he'd ask how many shots I took. Which one? the rusted body of the car by the wayside or the lichen or the mushrooms? He'd looked at me like looking at a stranger....Anyway, the fascination with other things and scenery always goes out of whack. I like lichens, mushroom, reflections on mud, dirty stuffs, rust on a surface, yucky stuff. It does not make me a photographer but I have fun. Don't you think they are more fun ?
I like your lichens. Made by a normal photographer like you and the rest of fascinating people like you. Not kidding. They are cute and colourful and if you photograph them at a certain angle, sometimes you'd find a rainbow.
I'm going back to my cave soon. I think I am beginning to waffle along here. Blame old age, not me.![]()
Love your lichen shot, Randy. I am a lichen-lover, so please, give us more.
Thanks, Izzie. I like to photograph almost all living things. About the only living things I don't like to photograph are people, with the exception of friends, relatives, and people engaged in a "public" activity or event. To me, it seems to be intrusive to photograph someone you don't know without their permission. I respect the work of "street" photographers, and their images are often compelling, but it is something I am not comfortable doing. Generally I will take a photo of anything that interests me or catches my attention, regardless of whether others find it interesting.