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Thread: A few more images for C&C ...

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    IzzieK's Avatar
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    A few more images for C&C ...

    As I am learning a lot from this group, thank you very much for critiquing my work. Some taken with thought, some just one of those hard to pass up and click one.

    1 Angel Musicians sculpture at the Botanical Garden: These are the musician with the horn, flute and pan-pipe by Carl Milles, a Swedish born sculptor from Uppsala, Sweden. All statues were installed in 1988 lent by the Gateway Foundation but the original figures are in the Millesgarden (the sculpture's estate) near Stockholm, Sweden.

    A few more images for C&C ...

    2 My first successful bee shot !!!! and you can all see, I am excited. Taken way on the footpath. As I had said before, I think Bill hid himself from he passer-bys because he thought I was goofing around running after a bee shot. Of course this is 100% crop. The only thing Idid here in way of processing is crop and put a border around it. And oh! The top shine in the body, I used the clone stamp to eliminate it. Anyway I only used my 105mm Sigma lens here as my fingers cannot tackle attaching my extension tubes at all, maybe next time...

    A few more images for C&C ...

    3 A little girl -- Must be something on my face but I caught this little girl looking at me so I took a shot of her. Her mother asked Bill to take a picture of her with her daughter on her cellphone. Should I feel offended? I got the big camera….naaahhhhh…..

    A few more images for C&C ...

    4 Another kind of tulips? I just think this pretty…

    A few more images for C&C ...

    5 Curly tulips -- not my best....but I guess it is OK to include it here..

    A few more images for C&C ...

    6 Central axis tulip – This one reminds me of those giveaways at EAA (Wisconsin) of the prop of airplanes with a wooden dowel... This not its real name but there is a place near the Climatron that is called central of those whose petals had dropped off and this is what is left of it.

    A few more images for C&C ...

    7 Another of those ones with the petals that had dropped off. I was getting obssessed by these because they looked good to my eyes...

    A few more images for C&C ...

    8 And this last one is my favourite. I was walking behind Bill quite a bit and he pointed this tree to me. I took a shot from the angle that I was in and then went around to see the angle he was looking at. I said I think I like the angle that I shot...and showed him my version. He agreed.

    A few more images for C&C ...

    Hope you like some of these...thank you.

  2. #2

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    Re: A few more images for C&C ...

    That gnarled tree trunk and branch was such a tricky shot, but it has worked well.

    The first scene was also full of potential problems which you have avoided. Particularly the position of that larger tree in the background which is nicely placed so it doesn't distract from the intended subjects.

  3. #3

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    Re: A few more images for C&C ...

    Izzie, my favorite photo in this collection is #7. I like the color of the tulip very much, which contrasts nicely with the green pistil. I've yet to photograph a bee in flight (#2); congratulations on that accomplishment! I notice a distinct white halo around the bee's antennae, eyes, and portions of its abdomen. I don't know if you did any post-processing sharpening of the image, but the halos might be artifacts from over-sharpening. A forum member with more post-processing experience than I have can give you a better assessment of the cause of the halos. I think image #3 would be stronger with only the white border. I like the tone of the young girl's face very much. +1 to Geoff's comments regarding images #1 and #6. A very nice set of images from your trip to the botanical gardens. I hope you find some of my comments useful and constructive.

  4. #4
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: A few more images for C&C ...

    Nice series.

    1. Angels-nice effort as Geoff said a tricky shot. Did you isolate one of the flute players?
    2. Cool bee shot, was this a crop or did you bravely get right into the scene?
    3. Little girl-nice shot but a bit soft. Did you show the mother your shot from your camera? I'm sure she'd like it.
    4. Nicely composed.
    5. tulip-interesting flower-what do you think went wrong?
    6. Petal-nice effort-same question as 5.
    7. You got it right here.
    8. Nice shape and pattern capture.

  5. #5
    Cogito's Avatar
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    Re: A few more images for C&C ...

    Izzie, they're all nice! My own feelings, no criticism because I get slagged if I comment here,

    Angel musicians, I would prefer a little more contrast.
    Bee, lovely crop, well done.
    Things in prams, not my cup of tea.
    First 2 tulips look like they could be sharpened. Third, perhaps a little more yellow?
    7 & 8 - no particular comment.

  6. #6
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: A few more images for C&C ...

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    That gnarled tree trunk and branch was such a tricky shot, but it has worked well.

    The first scene was also full of potential problems which you have avoided. Particularly the position of that larger tree in the background which is nicely placed so it doesn't distract from the intended subjects.
    Thank you for commenting. I have quite a few of #1 from another area where I was trying in vain to eliminate some people. A bunch of them the family of the girl in one of the pictures here. Most of them front of the climatron and the light were atrocious. Then we were walking past on another side and I took this one shot and it came out good.

  7. #7
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    Re: A few more images for C&C ...

    Quote Originally Posted by RandyRFJP View Post
    Izzie, my favorite photo in this collection is #7. I like the color of the tulip very much, which contrasts nicely with the green pistil. I've yet to photograph a bee in flight (#2); congratulations on that accomplishment! I notice a distinct white halo around the bee's antennae, eyes, and portions of its abdomen. I don't know if you did any post-processing sharpening of the image, but the halos might be artifacts from over-sharpening. A forum member with more post-processing experience than I have can give you a better assessment of the cause of the halos. I think image #3 would be stronger with only the white border. I like the tone of the young girl's face very much. +1 to Geoff's comments regarding images #1 and #6. A very nice set of images from your trip to the botanical gardens. I hope you find some of my comments useful and constructive.
    Thank you Randy. I like that tulips in #7 very much but it seems to me that it had changed its colour when I uploaded it to Tinypics. The actual colour is more reddish than orangy and is very crisp that is why I liked it. Anyway, I tried to upload it again, it is the same as what I have nevermind that!

    As for the bee, yes you are right. I did not notice it before I uploaded that one -- over processing. And yes, I find your comments useful. Any comments and/or critique is useful. To be able to stay in any photo group you have to take the good and the bad. I used to be defensive when I first joined here but Dave Humpries set me right by really critiquing my images hard. Then there are Geoff and Grahame and John 2 and John (Shadowman) and a more of them who had taught me a lot on processing of flowers. Grahame, for one, taught me patience in composing before tackling that shutter times passed...I am still not good on flowers but I became less defensive.

    I appreciate your passing by and commenting and critiquing...thank you.

  8. #8
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: A few more images for C&C ...

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    Nice series.

    1. Angels-nice effort as Geoff said a tricky shot. Did you isolate one of the flute players?
    I have a shot or two of the separated ones because it was taken behind harsh lights but this one I uploaded here is a one of those one-shot wonders. We were passing by another area when I turned and looked and saw this opportunity to get even just one. It is more nicer in person than this one...

    2. Cool bee shot, was this a crop or did you bravely get right into the scene?
    As I had said, it is 100% crop. I thought I could get away with it but I really didn't. I was more excited in getting one flying and took 3. I would have 25 shots in all, mostly missed ones because I've gone crazy just trying to shoot a good one. I will try again. The nursery is a good place to practice..

    3. Little girl-nice shot but a bit soft. Did you show the mother your shot from your camera? I'm sure she'd like it.
    It slipped my mind! I should have. I was more fascinated by her staring at me. I must have bogey on my nose...

    4. Nicely composed.
    5. tulip-interesting flower-what do you think went wrong?
    I cannot squat in front of it well, more embarrassed in putting out my folded tarp to sit down yoga style I suppose...I have quite a few shot of this as well and I prepared my camera well because it was supposed to be windy. Lesson learned is that I do not know how to use Aperture priority. Nothing came out of that so I went back to Manual which I was used too. I fiddle too much I guess and cannot get a sharp image so I left it as that. I tried Shutter Priority but I guess I was hampered by thinking it is a flower, not an airplane.

    6. Petal-nice effort-same question as 5.
    Same crappy explanation...

    7. You got it right here.
    8. Nice shape and pattern capture.[/QUOTE]
    Thank you. Still not too happy with 7 but #8 I really like very much. I imagine the crop head of a character throwing a whip or its hand was like a monster which extends like a whip to the other trees. Just my thought at the time I took a shot of it.

    Thank you, John...for your help. I had a good time.

  9. #9
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    Re: A few more images for C&C ...


    Regarding your response to #5, not being able to squat; I too have issues especially with a bad knee. I will often try to bend over and extend my arms away from my body; it can be an awkward position to hold for very long but less painful and it helps with my tilting LCD when I do the shot in LiveView. Another option would be to use a mini tripod.

  10. #10
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    Re: A few more images for C&C ...

    Quote Originally Posted by Cogito View Post
    Izzie, they're all nice! My own feelings, no criticism because I get slagged if I comment here,
    I learned to develop thick skin when people comment on my shots. If not for critiquing, I wouldn't have learned. You know, good camera wasted because of thinking, good camera, must be a good photographer. Then Grahame taught me that a D300 is a good one put in the hands of a patient learner. So fire a way. I had learned to accept criticism on my shots. It may be my pictures but if I wanted to share and learn, then I better sit down and listen and learn from others.

    Angel musicians, I would prefer a little more contrast.
    Bee, lovely crop, well done.
    I am not happy with my bee yet. Need more practice using my chopsticks to catch them so I can photograph them in my little studio/table/wherever that will be where there is light. The bug-o-graphers here used to laugh at me for squashing my insects and bugs first before I shoot. Just to be sure I don't get bitten... Greg used to call me a insect murderer. Well, top that!

    Things in prams, not my cup of tea.
    I love children. 'Fact I have three kids and one grandchild who is too smart for her own good. I am not good on photographing people. I always think if I do good on people's face, it would have to be an accidental shot.

    First 2 tulips look like they could be sharpened. Third, perhaps a little more yellow?
    When I shoot flowers I kept forgetting to remove my metering from Spot to Pattern or Centre Weighted. I had a hard time with the curly tulip.

    7 & 8 - no particular comment.
    Thank you very much for your commenting and critiquing...I enjoyed reading all your suggestions and preferences.

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    Re: A few more images for C&C ...

    Izzie, good to see you posting some photos.
    1. nicely composed
    2. bravely and well cropped
    3. beautifully done. I like the soft focus and (sensible) vignette
    4. pretty and good DoF
    5. don't care ---sorry!
    6. ditto
    7. ditto
    8. I like the composition a lot. Maybe also try B&W for that one
    Cheers Ole

  12. #12
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: A few more images for C&C ...

    Your images have true professional quality...your flower images touch their hearts.... you choose the best angles to shoot ....; yes #5, is a bit OOF. But i don't mind that

  13. #13
    JohnRostron's Avatar
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    Re: A few more images for C&C ...

    I like the bee (despite the haloes). It takes great skill (or luck) to photograph insects in flight. It must be a good picture because the first thing I asked was "is it a bee or a hover-fly?" Your pic has the definition to allow me to identify it as a bee.

    I like #6 and #7. They have a semi-abstract appearance. The last one has an intriguing shape, but I cannot see any shadow details in the branch.


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    Re: A few more images for C&C ...

    #8 for me Izzie! I agree with Ole that it might do well in B and W. On the first one I might have tried to just capture one of them. The little girl has some heavy shadows which I might have lightened as well highlighting her eyes and I am not a fan of the white vignette and would go without or lessen it. The flowers are well done expect for #5 which is OOF. I would revisit #5 if still blooming, if it was in focus it would make for a lovely image.

  15. #15
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    Re: A few more images for C&C ...

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post

    Regarding your response to #5, not being able to squat; I too have issues especially with a bad knee. I will often try to bend over and extend my arms away from my body; it can be an awkward position to hold for very long but less painful and it helps with my tilting LCD when I do the shot in LiveView. Another option would be to use a mini tripod.
    I am sorry to hear that. My problem was not my knee -- my problem was the hand holding my camera (mine). If I go down too low I am scared I might drop my camera on the hard brick footpath because of my hand. I should had brought my tripod but I don't want to bother Bill very much carrying my camera bag and he insists. What he doesn't know is that it is a hassle for me to look for him when I need/want to change lenses and all that inconvenient things that goes with not having your bag with when I lost him in the circus event last weekend... I should be grateful as he was trying to help and I was trying to prove I can be OK and we had a great time then.

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    Re: A few more images for C&C ...

    Quote Originally Posted by mugge View Post
    Izzie, good to see you posting some photos.
    1. nicely composed
    2. bravely and well cropped
    3. beautifully done. I like the soft focus and (sensible) vignette
    4. pretty and good DoF
    5. don't care ---sorry!
    6. ditto
    7. ditto
    8. I like the composition a lot. Maybe also try B&W for that one
    Cheers Ole
    Thank you so much for your comments, Ole...I appreciate it very much. Luckily I like children, photographing them as they don't take over what and why I wanted to shoot that way or this way. I tried shooting a kid in Melbourne once and asked permission from the mother and I was rejected with a sharp look from the parent so I stopped right there. Here in the US it is easier, especially if one is in an event shoot or something. They are happy to oblige. Other than that every now and then, I stick to my own kin -- my one and only and never to have more, grandchild.

    'Appreciate your suggetion too...I may take you up on that...

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    Re: A few more images for C&C ...

    Quote Originally Posted by Wavelength View Post
    Your images have true professional quality...your flower images touch their hearts.... you choose the best angles to shoot ....; yes #5, is a bit OOF. But i don't mind that
    Thank you, Nandy...I am just getting back my grove slowly...I guess I want to be like you when I grow up -- a real photographer...'appreciate your comments.

  18. #18
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    Re: A few more images for C&C ...

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnRostron View Post
    I like the bee (despite the haloes). It takes great skill (or luck) to photograph insects in flight. It must be a good picture because the first thing I asked was "is it a bee or a hover-fly?" Your pic has the definition to allow me to identify it as a bee.

    I like #6 and #7. They have a semi-abstract appearance. The last one has an intriguing shape, but I cannot see any shadow details in the branch.

    Thank you for commenting John. The full shadow is on the ground. I supposed I almost delete it with those over processing from NIK least I found one sharp bee among the many I took. I have to practice on more and take the advice of Bill on how to do it properly. I am reading up on it too. I appreciate your passing by.

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    Re: A few more images for C&C ...

    Quote Originally Posted by Barbara Ponder View Post
    #8 for me Izzie! I agree with Ole that it might do well in B and W. On the first one I might have tried to just capture one of them. The little girl has some heavy shadows which I might have lightened as well highlighting her eyes and I am not a fan of the white vignette and would go without or lessen it. The flowers are well done expect for #5 which is OOF. I would revisit #5 if still blooming, if it was in focus it would make for a lovely image.
    Thank you for your comments and suggestions. Just for you and Ole and for those who wants to see the B/W versions, here is my interpretation from this morning's processing....

    A few more images for C&C ...

    Hope you like it...

  20. #20
    billtils's Avatar
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    Re: A few more images for C&C ...

    Quote Originally Posted by IzzieK View Post
    Hope you like it...
    Yes I do.

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