Dave, nice image, dynamic and also quite subtleI like the aspect of the foreground lion that you chose which emphasises the water spout, It took me a moment or two to catch on to the stars.
The lion to the rear is possibly too sharp given the degree of blur applied to the foreground lion's wing. I think it causes a slight imbalance. (given its distinctive colour it should be reasonably easy to select it an maybe just soften it?
That said I still like the image .
Thank you James. I take your point about blurring the further lion. This shot has actually had very little processing, mainly a bit of sharpening. I took it with a lensbaby with star-shaped aperture, and I don't find focus easy with that lens. I intended the greatest sharpness to be on the eyes of the big lion. I cropped as I did because I like the (entirely fortuitous) yellow star at right!
Nicely processed.
Very nice shot; how the stars?
Thank you, Nandakumar.
It was shot with a Lensbaby Composer. The aperture discs are just dropped into the lens and held in place by magnets. It is possible to buy an assortment of shaped apertures or cut one's own into blank discs. This is just an off-the-peg star shaped one, which gives the highlights a star shape. I think that the star aperture equates to f4.