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Thread: Follow the Herrings and watch the surfer !

  1. #1
    ST1's Avatar
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    Follow the Herrings and watch the surfer !

    I arrived at Saltburn in good time for the sunset that I was hoping for, so I had time to stroll along the pier and check out the yarn Bombers handiwork. Saltburn pier does attract a number of "Yarn Bombing" themes at various times of the year. It is currently adorned with a nautical/fishing/seaside holiday theme.

    #1 Follow the Herrings

    Follow the Herrings and watch the surfer !

    #2 A Saltburn Surfer, not as skilled as those depicted in the thread "US Open Surfing" posted by Alan. But I think this surfer was just about to stand up on the board and catch the wave

    Follow the Herrings and watch the surfer !

    #3 A more conventional image of Saltburn Pier

    Follow the Herrings and watch the surfer !

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Follow the Herrings and watch the surfer !

    Nice fun shots.

  3. #3
    ST1's Avatar
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    Re: Follow the Herrings and watch the surfer !

    Thanks John I agree fun shots, the last one being more serious

    Sent from somewhere in Gods County using Tapatalk

  4. #4

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    Re: Follow the Herrings and watch the surfer !

    the pier is like my garden... always something to shoot. I like it.

  5. #5
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: Follow the Herrings and watch the surfer !

    Very nice set of images

  6. #6
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Follow the Herrings and watch the surfer !

    Hi Peter,

    Have you seen that a YouTube blogging couple visited Saltburn recently and the Cliff Tramway, Yarn Bombers and Pier all feature (between 4:00 and 5:45 approx.)?

    All the Stations at Saltburn (amongst other places I'd call "up north").

    There's some Whitby and NYMR in there too.

    Cheers, Dave

  7. #7
    AlwaysOnAuto's Avatar
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    Re: Follow the Herrings and watch the surfer !

    Love the timing on your second shot there Peter.

  8. #8
    ST1's Avatar
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    Re: Follow the Herrings and watch the surfer !

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Hi Peter,

    Have you seen that a YouTube blogging couple visited Saltburn recently and the Cliff Tramway, Yarn Bombers and Pier all feature (between 4:00 and 5:45 approx.)?

    All the Stations at Saltburn (amongst other places I'd call "up north").

    There's some Whitby and NYMR in there too.

    Cheers, Dave
    Thanks Dave I'd not seen that video.
    I believe this couple may have also called at the station for what used to be called Teesside Airport (now Durham Tees Valley Airport) it has or did have a record the lowest passenger count of any station in the UK.

  9. #9
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    Re: Follow the Herrings and watch the surfer !

    Quote Originally Posted by AlwaysOnAuto View Post
    Love the timing on your second shot there Peter.
    Thanks for taking time to look and comment Alan. The surfer was just catching the wave and I was concerned that my shutter speed wouldn't be fast enough to catch the action

  10. #10

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    Re: Follow the Herrings and watch the surfer !

    Neat captures and creativity on the second one .

  11. #11
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Follow the Herrings and watch the surfer !

    Quote Originally Posted by ST1 View Post
    I believe this couple may have also called at the station for what used to be called Teesside Airport (now Durham Tees Valley Airport) it has or did have a record the lowest passenger count of any station in the UK.
    They did.

    Kinda makes me wonder if it has a similarly low passenger count for flights, seems an odd station to be so little used.

  12. #12

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    Re: Follow the Herrings and watch the surfer !

    Nice shots, Peter. A good reminder to have fun with the camera once in a while.

    I had to google yarn bombing. I guess I need to get out more.

  13. #13
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    Re: Follow the Herrings and watch the surfer !

    Off topic:
    Peter and Dave, I was puzzled by the references to a station in connection to the airport. So I conducted indepth research via Wikipedia. I concluded that you're probably referring to the airport train station that apparently has two trains per week?!

  14. #14
    ST1's Avatar
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    Re: Follow the Herrings and watch the surfer !

    Quote Originally Posted by Cantab View Post
    Off topic:
    Peter and Dave, I was puzzled by the references to a station in connection to the airport. So I conducted indepth research via Wikipedia. I concluded that you're probably referring to the airport train station that apparently has two trains per week?!
    Bruce, That's the one, the airport its associated with used to be a busy if rural airport.
    During WW2 it was used by the Canadian Air Force flying Lancasters out of it. It was called Goosepool in that time.

    After WW2, ownership of the airport transferred to three or four local town councils. In more recent times the airport was sold to a private company (though the aforementioned councils still have representatives on the board of directors)
    The airport owners now apparently whilst still saying they are committed to it being a successful (read profitable) airport seem hell bent on building housing on it. Rant over Follow the Herrings and watch the surfer !

    I have some images of an event at the airport that commemorated the RCAF time there. The Canadian Lancaster "Vera" visited at that time and was grounded there for sometime due to an engine problem. If I remember correctly the RAF loaned them an engine to allow Vera to continue on her trip and return to Canada.

    I'll trawl through my image archive and post one or two in a separate thread if you would like to see them?

    EDIT: Having just searched through my threads on here I found one that documents the event I mentioned. Rather than doing it all again, here's a LINK to that original thread
    Last edited by ST1; 12th August 2017 at 06:57 AM.

  15. #15
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    Re: Follow the Herrings and watch the surfer !

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    They did.

    Kinda makes me wonder if it has a similarly low passenger count for flights, seems an odd station to be so little used.
    Dave the only regular routes from the airport are to Amsterdam (KLM) Schipol and Aberdeen (Eastern Airways). The people who use those flights don't arrive/depart the site by train. Strangely I don't think there's any direct link from the train platform into the airport!
    Sadly since a company bought the airport from the local councils regular flights to London and other places ( mostly holiday destinations) have disappeared.

    Sent from somewhere in Gods County using Tapatalk

  16. #16
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Follow the Herrings and watch the surfer !

    Quote Originally Posted by ST1 View Post
    Sadly since a company bought the airport from the local councils regular flights to London and other places ( mostly holiday destinations) have disappeared.
    Ah that explains it, I was sure my sister and family (who live in Yorkshire) had previously used it to fly on holiday, although come to think of it, they have been to Amsterdam, whether that was the same trip, I cannot recall, not that it matters. Here endeth the digression

  17. #17
    Cantab's Avatar
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    Re: Follow the Herrings and watch the surfer !

    Peter, many of thanks for the info and link in post 14. I revisited your earlier thread and saw that I'd posted a comment so I'd definitely seen it previously!

    Are your Saltburn pictures from Saltburn in Scotland??

  18. #18
    ST1's Avatar
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    Re: Follow the Herrings and watch the surfer !

    Quote Originally Posted by Cantab View Post
    Peter, many of thanks for the info and link in post 14. I revisited your earlier thread and saw that I'd posted a comment so I'd definitely seen it previously!

    Are your Saltburn pictures from Saltburn in Scotland??
    Hi Bruce,
    I wasn't aware that there's a Saltburn in Scotland. The Saltburn in these images is to give it its full title "Saltburn by the Sea" in North Yorkshire.
    My learning for today is that there's a Saltburn in Ross-shire, Scotland, thanks for that Bruce.

  19. #19
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    Re: Follow the Herrings and watch the surfer !

    Google maps sent me to a Saltburn label in Scotland but I've now looked in one of my British driving atlases and have found Saltburn by the Sea. Interestingly the atlas index does not list any Saltburn in Scotland. I spent a year as a grad student in Durham in my younger years and have many pleasant memories of both County Durham and North Yorkshire.

    P.S. I omitted to say earlier that I enjoyed the photos in this thread.

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