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Thread: Sunset backdrop...for John (Shadowman)...looksee!!!

  1. #1
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Sunset backdrop...for John (Shadowman)...looksee!!!

    As promised here is the cell phone shot one day in Cleburne, Texas after the Missing Man formation I think. Not sure. I'm still too tired to think . I will share some more pictures from my other camera soon as I got settled in.

    Sunset backdrop...for John (Shadowman)...looksee!!!

    And yes! Tinypic works for me this morning.

    Happy trails.

    P.S. gotta go back to bed. Hopefully I can pick up my brain when I wake up again...LOL

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Sunset backdrop...for John (Shadowman)...looksee!!!

    Hi Izzie,

    Love the sunset and the capture of the plane, was going to suggest lightening the foreground but as presented gives the illusion that the aircraft is airborne. A bit noisy in the foreground though, did you do any noise reduction?

  3. #3
    LePetomane's Avatar
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    Re: Sunset backdrop...for John (Shadowman)...looksee!!!

    Nice picture. Is that your preferred mode of transportation?

  4. #4

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    Re: Sunset backdrop...for John (Shadowman)...looksee!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    Hi Izzie,

    Love the sunset and the capture of the plane, was going to suggest lightening the foreground but as presented gives the illusion that the aircraft is airborne. A bit noisy in the foreground though, did you do any noise reduction?
    I am thinking along similar lines but I think my first approach would be to leave the foreground rather dark and crop some of the bottom. Maybe end up somewhere around a 3 x 2 ratio ?

  5. #5
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Sunset backdrop...for John (Shadowman)...looksee!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    Hi Izzie,

    Love the sunset and the capture of the plane, was going to suggest lightening the foreground but as presented gives the illusion that the aircraft is airborne. A bit noisy in the foreground though, did you do any noise reduction?
    No I forgot and I thought it will be understandable seeing it is only a 4 -shot cell phone image, not much pixels to get out of it...Thanks for looking and the suggestion.

  6. #6
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Sunset backdrop...for John (Shadowman)...looksee!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by LePetomane View Post
    Nice picture. Is that your preferred mode of transportation?
    Paul, Bill put in a bigger fuel tank on our Swift (this is not ours...just happened to be in the way of the view). Anyway he did ours within 3 months leading to our trip for our organization's annual fly-in last week sponsored by the Swift Texas wing at Cleburne, Texas so that we do not have to refuel and just land straight to the regional airport there.

    As soon as the fuel tanks were finished and tested and all the fixes were implemented, I took one look at it and declared that he and his son can fly the Swift to Cleburne as I am going commercial. I did. Short of my request to buy us an 8-seater AeroStar or a 6-seater Cessna both of which we cannot afford, I sort of feel safer on a commercial airline. Anyway, he decided to go with me commercial to Texas instead and had his son piloted the small two-seater Swift to Cleburne. He decided to stick with me all throughout that week we had there as he suspect I'd get into trouble. I did.

    Thank you for looking...appreciate it.

  7. #7
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Sunset backdrop...for John (Shadowman)...looksee!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    I am thinking along similar lines but I think my first approach would be to leave the foreground rather dark and crop some of the bottom. Maybe end up somewhere around a 3 x 2 ratio ?
    I just did a crop at the bottom, change the filter, then did a little denoise. I have this new HDR software I am just experimenting with at the moment as I have no time to learn all of the bells and whistles it has yet. Maybe next week as I will have more time...

    Sunset backdrop...for John (Shadowman)...looksee!!!

    Tell me what you think...

  8. #8

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    Re: Sunset backdrop...for John (Shadowman)...looksee!!!

    That crop gives a much better overall balance to the scene.

    Reducing noise levels has helped with the sky but has softened the plane as well. With this sort of situation I usually do the noise reduction on a layer which can be edited to selectively apply the effect.

    Or, with my insect photos I often put a selection on the main subject, with very slightly feathered edges (around 4 or 5 pixels) and sharpen just that area, then invert the selection to apply a little noise reduction to the other areas.

  9. #9
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: Sunset backdrop...for John (Shadowman)...looksee!!!

    So lovely.....Love this

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