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Thread: Received Five Dogs On Friday

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Received Five Dogs On Friday

    We received five dogs from the Los Angeles portion of our rescue group. The dogs are at our vet right now (Monday October 23rd) - generally for spaying but, two for more serious surgeries. After recovery, will be returning four of the dogs to our Los Angeles volunteers who will foster them and we will be fostering one dog at our home...

    The entire organization uses our local vet for most surgeries because she is so efficient and also because she provides rescue groups with a significant discount.

    1. Mazie, a Maltese
    Received Five Dogs On Friday
    2. Sherry, a Miniature Poodle
    Received Five Dogs On Friday
    3. Lily, a Maltese
    Received Five Dogs On Friday
    4. Whitney, a Miniature Poodle
    Received Five Dogs On Friday
    5. CoCo is the dog we will be fostering at our home. She is a darling Shih Tzu
    Received Five Dogs On Friday
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 23rd October 2017 at 07:48 PM.

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Received Five Dogs On Friday

    Nice portraits.

  3. #3
    Cantab's Avatar
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    Re: Received Five Dogs On Friday

    Richard, as always, a great set of photos.

    When you receive an influx of new dogs, do you keep them separate from your permanent dogs to avoid transmission of communicable diseases or maybe that's not an issue?

  4. #4
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Received Five Dogs On Friday

    Quote Originally Posted by Cantab View Post
    Richard, as always, a great set of photos.

    When you receive an influx of new dogs, do you keep them separate from your permanent dogs to avoid transmission of communicable diseases or maybe that's not an issue?
    It depends from what environment the dogs come. Shelter dogs have a fairly high instance of kennel cough but, all of our dogs are up to date on their shots which cover most strains of bortedella. We also keep dogs which have been strays segregated for a while. We don't worry that much about dogs we receive from private homes under clean conditions unless it tests positive for worms or giardia. There is a strain of worm which is very difficult to kill,. It will remain dormant in the soil for months. That's where the cement run comes in handy.

    The first thing we do when a dog arrives is to submit a stool sample for a fecal and giardia test. We get the results in a matter of minutes from the vet and. if a dog is positive, immediately put that dog on medication and segregate it from the rest of the dogs. One of the dogs we received Friday was positive for giardia and is on medication right now. Luckily we have a very large home with many rooms and areas in which we can isolate the dogs. We also have a cement dog run where any dog with giardia or worms defecates. We consistently wash that run with a bleach solution followed by a power washing,

    We have tile floors throughout our house which get scrubbed every day, some areas often get scrubbed several times a day, We use a Hoover Floormate floor washer that scrubs and then picks up the dirty water. We couldn't manage without that tool, In fact we own three. Sometimes both my wife and I are scrubbing with one Floormate in reserve.

    We keep our home pretty well spotless despite having large numbers of dogs.

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