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Thread: Which programs to buy

  1. #1

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    Which programs to buy

    I am currently needing to update my software. I would like to update my Lr 5.7 to Lr6. I have trailed Topaz Adjust, which I like. I have also trailed Adobe Photoshop.

    I find that Photoshop is most comprehensive. Topaz is very easy to use in that it has 100 or so preset to use so it is very easy to navigate.

    I am anticipating the (glorious) return of Nik Collections, that would augment Topaz Adjust.

    My questions are: should I purchase Topaz Adjust and Adobe Photoshop or just one of them?

    Will I miss the versatility of Photoshop given that I have Lr6, Topaz Adjust and Nik Collections at my disposals?

    Any input would be most appreciated.
    Cheers Ole

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Re: Which programs to buy

    Why not just get (rent) the Adobe Photography package (LR and Photoshop) for $9.99 US monthly. For me that worked out to be less than the cost of 1 trip to town to the pub, and 2 pints, once a month. By doing that you have the most up to date version of Lr, Ps and you can still use you Nik Collection.

    Cheers: Allan

  3. #3

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    Re: Which programs to buy

    I understand the Nik collection is now part of the new DxO photolab software. Affinity photo and On1 photo 2018 worth trialling 😉

  4. #4

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    Re: Which programs to buy

    Steve: as they just purchased it from Google, I would not expect to see it until mid 2018. I sounds like Ole has Lr 5.7, you can still I believe download Nik but you will not get any support or updates, so again for less than trip to the pub, 2 pints once a month( for me) why not $9.99 US a month, get newest up to date Lr Classic CC and Photoshop CC and both will support the use of Nik.

    Cheers: Allan

  5. #5
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Which programs to buy

    DxO PhotoLab (formerly DxO Optics Pro) is a powerful replacement for Lightroom's Develop Module. I am quite certain that the Nik Collection will be integrated with it, as other DxO plugins such as FilmPack and Viewpoint are.

    Why not try the trial version of this software to see what you think? Donald and I are long-time Optics Pro users.

  6. #6
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Which programs to buy

    You can download the current version of Nik and load it into Lightroom as a plug-in. Lightroom 5.7 is dated, but this should still work. It would cost you nothing.

    I personally would not invest in LR 6, since Adobe has made it clear that they are ending support for the perpetual-license version. Like it or not, the subscription model is the only way forward for that software.

    I don't use Topaz, but from what I have read, it is like Nik in that it is a supplement to a core editor, not a substitute for one.

    Lightroom in its current iteration has some powerful editing functions, but for most of what it doesn't have, a pixel editor is what I would add next. Since Photoshop is powerful and comprehensive and is free if you rent Lightroom--the combination is $10/month here), that seems like the obvious choice if you like Lightroom (or, for that matter, Camera Raw). Then add Nik, topaz, or whatever for special tuning.

  7. #7
    JohnRostron's Avatar
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    Re: Which programs to buy

    I use Affinity Photo, and would recommend it highly. Many users have come to Affinity because they do not like Adobe's subscription model, but several respondents have mentioned they stlll feel that the PS model is a bargain.

    Affinity will do most, but not all, of what PS will do, but it does not offer a DAM facility. Many, but not all PS plugins also work with Affinity.


  8. #8
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Which programs to buy

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnRostron View Post
    I use Affinity Photo, and would recommend it highly. Many users have come to Affinity because they do not like Adobe's subscription model, but several respondents have mentioned they stlll feel that the PS model is a bargain.

    Affinity will do most, but not all, of what PS will do, but it does not offer a DAM facility. Many, but not all PS plugins also work with Affinity.

    Affinity is a pixel based editor so it is not really a replacement for Lightroom. The raw converters that come with it have been thoroughly panned on this site and on some other reviews that I read.

  9. #9
    billtils's Avatar
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    Re: Which programs to buy

    John and Manfred

    I have no idea how Affinity compares with other raw engines, but I do use it as a pixel editor, where its Inpainting and Clone tools are easy to use and effective in their outcomes. It round trips from Capture One Pro simply and fills a gap in the latter's tool set.

    The question of PS compatible plug-ins has been raised frequently in the AP Beta Forum, and is essentially down to the company's decision to put all their eggs in the Apple App Store basket, which restricts their flexibility.

  10. #10
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    Re: Which programs to buy

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    Affinity is a pixel based editor so it is not really a replacement for Lightroom. The raw converters that come with it have been thoroughly panned on this site and on some other reviews that I read.
    Re Lightroom. This is why I specifically said it did not have any DAM facility.

    I have no problem with Affinity and my Sony RAW files, but I am aware that others do have problems. As Bill says, many users have integrated other RAW converters successfully.


  11. #11
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Which programs to buy

    Hi Ole,

    I think we have two different conversations going on here. It might help if you could clarify a little more.

    My post was mostly about types of software, and less about which software to buy within each type because it seemed to me that you were mixing apples and oranges. I think it is helpful to think of three categories:

    1. Raw converters. Some of these--for example, lightroom--also include powerful (parametric) editing capabilities.
    2. General purpose, pixel-based editors. Examples include Photoshop, Elements, Paint Shop Pro, and the Gimp. These are designed to give you a full range of editing functions, which overlap considerably with the editing functions in Lightroom.
    3. Specialty software. These are intended to add to the functions of general-purpose editors, although here again, there is a lot of overlap. For example, Nik does not do selections in the sense that Photoshop does, but its control-point technology overlaps in function somewhat. I think Topaz is in this category too, although I may be wrong because I don't use it. Many of these specialty packages will work as plug-ins with photoshop, Lightroom, or both.

    My point was that #3 is not interchangeable with #2. While I wasn't trying to get into a debate about which one to select from each category, my point was that if you are satisfied with Lightroom, you will ultimately have to go with a subscription, which will give you photoshop for free.

    However, if you are interested in selecting from software from within each category, then some of the comments by others are more relevant than mine.


  12. #12

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    Re: Which programs to buy

    Ole, for us in Australia the cost of subscription to Adobe Photography package is $12.99 plus GST. Adobe adjusts the base price to allow for currency movements and they have recently fallen in line with government policy and started charging GST too.

  13. #13

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    Re: Which programs to buy

    Thank you all for your input. I have decided to go with the Adobe Photographic Package simply because I am so used to Lightroom. I did consider Optics Pro (as they were called). Although I dislike Adobe's business plan they are good products. From what I read Optics Pro will make Nik Collections freely (?) available to Adobe users that and Topaz Adjust will make my life a bit more comfortable. Read, travel and photography.
    Cheers Ole

  14. #14
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Which programs to buy

    Quote Originally Posted by mugge View Post
    From what I read Optics Pro will make Nik Collections freely (?) available to Adobe users .....
    Don't know where you got this one from Ole. I think that is highly unlikely. They are two different companies and DxO didn't buy NiK to then give it away.

    The Nik package as is, is still available free, but when the new DXO version is launched in mid-2018 there will be a cost for it. Hopefully, existing Nik users will receive a discount, but who knows.

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    Re: Which programs to buy

    Donald, I stand corrected. One can only hope there will be a discount come mid 2018 but I fear not as it has been free for quite a while.
    Cheers Ole

  16. #16
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Which programs to buy

    Quote Originally Posted by mugge View Post
    Donald, I stand corrected. One can only hope there will be a discount come mid 2018 but I fear not as it has been free for quite a while.
    Cheers Ole
    That being said, so long as one is happy with the results that the package is giving you, there is no need to upgrade unless it no longer works with your editing tools. As you are someone who has been happily working with an old version of Lightroom, that could be something you can get away with for quite some time.

  17. #17
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Which programs to buy

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    That being said, so long as one is happy with the results that the package is giving you, there is no need to upgrade unless it no longer works with your editing tools. As you are someone who has been happily working with an old version of Lightroom, that could be something you can get away with for quite some time.
    Exactly. This thing about getting the latest version of everything, a bit like getting a new camera or a full frame camera, is fine. But the one determining factor as to whether you can make a good image is none of these things, it is you.

    If you think that there is something new on the latest version that is what you've been waiting for for a long time, then go for it. Otherwise, your fine with what you've got.

  18. #18
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: PhotoLab and Nik

    I think some of you are missing something.

    I have just bought the PhotoLab upgrade, and the Nik Control Point Technology is already integrated into the product!


  19. #19
    billtils's Avatar
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    Re: PhotoLab and Nik

    Indeed it is, and there should be more to come!

  20. #20
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: PhotoLab and Nik

    It sure is. But that's not the Nik upgrade that's promised in mid-2018.

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