Hi everyone,
Like many, I use Lightroom to organise and edit photos. I've started to wonder if there's a more efficient way to process my images.
Here's what I do:
- Put the memory card in my computer's card reader (a Mac Mini)
- In OSX, create a new sub-folder in my "Unprocessed Images" folder, named with date and a description.
- In OSX, drag the images from the memory card to the new folder.
- Fire up Lightroom.
- Create a new Collection Set, named with date and a description.
- Create two collections inside the new collection set, named "All Images" and "Picks".
- Import the images into the new "All Images" collection within the parent Collection Group.
- Add keywords as appropriate.
- Go through the images, choosing which ones to work on - flag the potential keepers with three stars.
- Use Lightroom's search to select all three star images, and drag them to the "Picks" collection.
- Edit the selected pics to taste. Once they are finished, tag them with five stars. NB: not all of the three-star images will end up being finished at this stage; some will be abandoned.
- Once I'm done editing, use Lightroom's search to select all the five star images
- Batch export the selected images to a newly created folder as JPGs, using the format date_description_number (with Lightroom automatically generating the suffix).
I tend to take quite a lot of pics in an outing; I can often have a couple of hundred images in the "All Images" collection. The use of the star ratings is an effort to see the wood from the trees - filtering down to a sensible number to work on, and then filtering again to finished edits.
While typing that lot out (on my phone!) I realised just how many steps that is. What I'm wondering is whether there's an opportunity to streamline some of that, especially at the import stage. For example, do I really need to copy the images into my Mac within the OS, and then import into a LR collection, or can I do that all in one go inside Lightroom?
All advice welcome! 😀
Edited to add: it seems the forum doesn't like lists of more than ten items. Weirdly, it worked on preview... maybe a sign I have too many steps in my workflow! 😉