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Thread: Do you need it? Do you want it?

  1. #21
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Do you need it? Do you want it?

    Quote Originally Posted by davidedric View Post
    Yes, but your quantum computing laptop, with Bose-Einstein condensate storage, will breeze through it
    Does that mean we are going to have to drag along a flask of liquid helium to keep it running? Definitely okay for studio shoots, but I'm not sure about wildlife and other nature work....

  2. #22
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: Do you need it? Do you want it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    Does that mean we are going to have to drag along a flask of liquid helium to keep it running? Definitely okay for studio shoots, but I'm not sure about wildlife and other nature work....
    Donald will have to be careful he does not mix the flasks up. A wee nip of liquid helium is not going to warm him up.
    Last edited by pnodrog; 13th November 2017 at 09:42 AM.

  3. #23
    mknittle's Avatar
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    Re: Do you need it? Do you want it?

    seems like everything revolves around a "telephone" these days. My least favorite device.

  4. #24

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    Re: Do you need it? Do you want it?

    Arsenal lets you control your camera from up to 100 feet away. Use the smart assistant AI, set the shutter speed, aperture, and ISO, see a live preview, or trigger the shutter from your smartphone.
    As a Canon user QDSLDashboard or DSLRController both work on a tablet or phone both allow you change camera settings, both allow you to???? the list goes on and both are in the teens rather than the hundreds of £'s or $'s. Russ

  5. #25
    JohnRostron's Avatar
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    Re: Do you need it? Do you want it?

    Quote Originally Posted by russellsnr View Post
    Arsenal lets you control your camera from up to 100 feet away. Use the smart assistant AI, set the shutter speed, aperture, and ISO, see a live preview, or trigger the shutter from your smartphone.
    As a Canon user QDSLDashboard or DSLRController both work on a tablet or phone both allow you change camera settings, both allow you to???? the list goes on and both are in the teens rather than the hundreds of £'s or $'s. Russ
    Fine if you are a Canon user, and probably for Nikon as well. But I do not have any such facility available for my Sony. As I said earlier, it would be cheaper for me to upgrade to a compatible Sony (A77) plus an Arsenal, than to 'upgrade' to a Canon. That way, I keep all my lenses and flash.


  6. #26

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    Re: Do you need it? Do you want it?

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnRostron View Post
    Fine if you are a Canon user, and probably for Nikon as well. But I do not have any such facility available for my Sony. As I said earlier, it would be cheaper for me to upgrade to a compatible Sony (A77) plus an Arsenal, than to 'upgrade' to a Canon. That way, I keep all my lenses and flash.

    Do wish people would actually look at the apps before replying, I am NOT a Sony user but from the QDSLR Dashboard site QUOTE:- Sony:
    ILCE with built-in WiFi and "Smart remote control" app from PlayMemories installed (always use latest version ... _00-F00002):
    a6000, a6300, a6500,
    a7, a7S, a7R, a7II, a7S II, a7R II.
    As I say not a Sony user but maybe this works?

  7. #27
    JohnRostron's Avatar
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    Re: Do you need it? Do you want it?

    Quote Originally Posted by russellsnr View Post
    Do wish people would actually look at the apps before replying, I am NOT a Sony user but from the QDSLR Dashboard site QUOTE:- Sony:
    ILCE with built-in WiFi and "Smart remote control" app from PlayMemories installed (always use latest version ... _00-F00002):
    a6000, a6300, a6500,
    a7, a7S, a7R, a7II, a7S II, a7R II.
    As I say not a Sony user but maybe this works?
    I do recall looking at this in the past. It works for more modern Sonys, but not mine. Perhaps I should have been more specific.

    I still think that this device is worth investigating and it does specify an affordable Sony camera.


  8. #28

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    Re: Do you need it? Do you want it?

    One reason why Canon appears so often for these devices is that Canon make available the specification and software to provide the control. This is why so many specialist devices such as the camera used to photograph my retina use Canon.

    Perhaps this should be a consideration when buying cameras, rather than moaning about lack of support, buy the camera that the manufacturer offers software support for.

  9. #29
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: Do you need it? Do you want it?

    Quote Originally Posted by gsmsupport View Post
    i Need
    You have gone from "want" to "need". Should I make a "must have" option? I have a box of old "must have" items that I now seldom (if ever) use.

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