Thank you for taking time to post about your experiences! I looked a little bit at Nikon but since the gear I currently have is Canon, I stayed with it. I can use my older lenses with the new camera as well since I decided to get a cropped one. Also I did go with a refurbished camera body, so I haven't blown my entire camera budget out of the water yet! <LOL> I hope I did pick the right model but I guess only time and experience with it will tell. It is definitely a step above my current Rebel t3i.
It sounds like you have made the right choice going in the direction that you have. And you are spot on that these choices boil down to personal preference and maybe knowledge gained over time helps as well!I especially was appreciative of all the support and knowledge shared by the CiC group. They are very generous with their time and experiences!
I've used the plastic bag idea before but my problem seems to come when I head from the warm house to the outside cold weather. There has been a bit of discussion about what might have cause this and what I can maybe do to keep it from happening.
I hope you will post some of your photo work! I love to see it! And welcome! This is a fun "place" to take part in!