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Thread: Worth the money?

  1. #1
    tbob's Avatar
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    Worth the money?

    You can see how much more fantastic the image is when shot with a Nikon D850. A lesser camera would never get a shot this exceptional. Has elevated my photography to a level previously attainable only to gods.

    At least that is what I keep telling myself after sinking a whack of money into what is probably the last camera I will ever buy.

    This is what I may be living in once my wife recovers from the shock of the Visa bill.

    Worth the money?
    Last edited by tbob; 12th January 2018 at 06:40 PM.

  2. #2
    AlwaysOnAuto's Avatar
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    Re: Worth the money?

    What really matters is what lens you used.

  3. #3
    tbob's Avatar
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    Re: Worth the money?

    Quote Originally Posted by AlwaysOnAuto View Post
    What really matters is what lens you used.
    Very true.

    I have decided the only solution to my lack of skill is to invest tons of money into gear. All the ads promise this at any rate.

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    Re: Worth the money?

    Quote Originally Posted by tbob View Post
    I have decided the only solution to my lack of skill is to invest tons of money into gear. All the ads promise this at any rate.
    A path well trodden by many, I reckon!

    I trod that path up until last year, my last DSLR costing me almost a grand new.

    My skill level decreased in proportion to the extra number of buttons and options that came with it and the huge increase of un-intelligible technical meta-data in the now huge 50MB raw files. 50MB to view on my 2K monitor . . . duh.

    Then, basically, I sold everything made after 2006 (went "retro"), causing images taken since to revert to my previous mediocre level.

  5. #5
    lovelife65's Avatar
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    Re: Worth the money?

    Quote Originally Posted by xpatUSA View Post
    A path well trodden by many, I reckon!

    I trod that path up until last year, my last DSLR costing me almost a grand new.

    My skill level decreased in proportion to the extra number of buttons and options that came with it and the huge increase of un-intelligible technical meta-data in the now huge 50MB raw files. 50MB to view on my 2K monitor . . . duh.

    Then, basically, I sold everything made after 2006 (went "retro"), causing images taken since to revert to my previous mediocre level.
    IMHO your assessment of your skill is way off. I enjoy your work.
    You know the (modified) saying, it isn't the "gear" that makes the photographer. You can have a $10,000 camera, and still take crap photos.

  6. #6
    tbob's Avatar
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    Re: Worth the money?

    Quote Originally Posted by xpatUSA View Post
    A path well trodden by many, I reckon!

    I trod that path up until last year, my last DSLR costing me almost a grand new.

    My skill level decreased in proportion to the extra number of buttons and options that came with it and the huge increase of un-intelligible technical meta-data in the now huge 50MB raw files. 50MB to view on my 2K monitor . . . duh.

    Then, basically, I sold everything made after 2006 (went "retro"), causing images taken since to revert to my previous mediocre level.
    I now have a camera that is smarter and more capable than me. An intolerable situation.

  7. #7
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Worth the money?

    I have always preached this mantra... If a person is producing fairly good to very good images with the gear he/she is using, then new and better gear may help elevate the quality of those images. However, if a person is producing crappy images with the gear being used, then no increase in the quality of equipment will change the output to very-good to excellent. In this case, it would be far better for the photographer to upgrade his/her skills. However the following caveat is mentioned: every person, despite training and equipment may not become a great image maker!

  8. #8
    lovelife65's Avatar
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    Re: Worth the money?

    Quote Originally Posted by tbob View Post
    I now have a camera that is smarter and more capable than me. An intolerable situation.
    You are another on the forum who produces great work, no matter what the camera

  9. #9
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Worth the money?

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    If a person is producing fairly good to very good images with the gear he/she is using, then new and better gear may help elevate the quality of those images. However, if a person is producing crappy images with the gear being used, then no increase in the quality of equipment will change the output to very-good to excellent.

    And I think we'd agree that Trevor fits into the first category. I just hope his wife doesn't cause too much permanent damage to his trigger finger, or eyesight, or any bits that are necessary for photography, once she sees the Visa bill.

  10. #10
    James G's Avatar
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    Re: Worth the money?

    Extremely sensible comments from everyone....
    I'm basically childish and shallow..... and love new toys....
    As regards talent not sure I ever had any.... but all those buttons and things enable me to explore my singular deficiencies in the hope that one of them delivers the magic 'fix'.

    Photography... by definition....the triumph of hope over experience!!! New Gear.... by definition the triumph of optimism over despair...

  11. #11
    lovelife65's Avatar
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    Re: Worth the money?

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    I have always preached this mantra... If a person is producing fairly good to very good images with the gear he/she is using, then new and better gear may help elevate the quality of those images. However, if a person is producing crappy images with the gear being used, then no increase in the quality of equipment will change the output to very-good to excellent. In this case, it would be far better for the photographer to upgrade his/her skills. However the following caveat is mentioned: every person, despite training and equipment may not become a great image maker!
    Very good points. One can improve if time is invested, but it's still a talent and gift to produce images people remember.

  12. #12
    pendennis's Avatar
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    Re: Worth the money?

    Quote Originally Posted by tbob View Post
    You can see how much more fantastic the image is when shot with a Nikon D850. A lesser camera would never get a shot this exceptional. Has elevated my photography to a level previously attainable only to gods.

    At least that is what I keep telling myself after sinking a whack of money into what is probably the last camera I will ever buy.

    This is what I may be living in once my wife recovers from the shock of the Visa bill.

    Worth the money?
    I'd say you were a bit optimistic about your future quarters -

    Maybe share an abode with Fido???

  13. #13
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Worth the money?

    If you are planning to print, then good move.

    I spoke with a well known local landscape photographer / printer yesterday. He recently upgraded from the D810 to the D850 to see what difference he saw between the two. Subtle differences / improvements in highlight and shadow detail are there. He has an Epson P9000 printer (44" / 112 cm) wide and as long as one wants (being roll-fed) and prints for pixel peepers. He says there is definitely a noticeable difference when you get your nose right up to the image.

  14. #14
    zen's Avatar
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    Re: Worth the money?

    Quote Originally Posted by tbob View Post
    Very true.

    I have decided the only solution to my lack of skill is to invest tons of money into gear. All the ads promise this at any rate.
    Well it must be true! That's why all the really great, successful professionals use $15,000-20,000 cameras!

  15. #15
    tbob's Avatar
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    Re: Worth the money?

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    If you are planning to print, then good move.

    I spoke with a well known local landscape photographer / printer yesterday. He recently upgraded from the D810 to the D850 to see what difference he saw between the two. Subtle differences / improvements in highlight and shadow detail are there. He has an Epson P9000 printer (44" / 112 cm) wide and as long as one wants (being roll-fed) and prints for pixel peepers. He says there is definitely a noticeable difference when you get your nose right up to the image.

    I bought the camera for two very specific purposes. I do print, but not at the level the camera is capable of. I m quite content with the quality I have with the D700.

    The camera was bought for the low light capability and because I intend the use it to transfer all my old images from film and slides to digital. My wife calculated the costs of having it done commercially or buying a scanner and this worked out to be the best option. (I needed to replace a camera anyway)

    This is an example of the dynamic range, with a D700 I would not have been able to recover the granaries this well and still have the bright sky where the sun is about to rise not be blown out.

    Worth the money?
    Last edited by tbob; 12th January 2018 at 09:24 PM.

  16. #16
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Worth the money?

    Quote Originally Posted by tbob View Post
    This is an example of the dynamic range, with a D700 I would not have been able to recover the granaries this well and still have the bright sky when the sun is about to rise not be blown out.
    That does not surprise me at all. When I look at the shots from my D90, which is the same generation as your D700, the subtleties, especially in the highlights and shadow detail is where the newer cameras really shine.

  17. #17
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    Re: Worth the money?

    Quote Originally Posted by tbob View Post
    I now have a camera that is smarter and more capable than me. An intolerable situation.
    I think my camera ranks vastly higher in the camera-quality distribution than I do in the photographer-competence distribution. My rationalization is that this way, my camera doesn't let me down; I just have to blame myself.

    Seriously, though, better gear does help once one reaches a certain level, and given what you post here, it seems to me that you are clearly in that category. From what I have read--I don't shoot Nikon, so I have no first-hand experience--the D850 is a truly remarkable camera. In particular, the Nikons in this class are said to be the best at recovering shadow detail, which matters in work like yours. So enjoy it. The enjoyment will persist long after the Visa bill becomes just a memory.
    Last edited by DanK; 12th January 2018 at 10:43 PM.

  18. #18
    tbob's Avatar
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    Re: Worth the money?

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    I just hope his wife doesn't cause too much permanent damage to his trigger finger, or eyesight, or any bits that are necessary for photography, once she sees the Visa bill.
    The bits that may be in danger are not used to take photographs; I think there are may even be laws to that effect. I am not sure about photos but several high profile men are currently in trouble for use in conjunction with cinema.

  19. #19
    tbob's Avatar
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    Re: Worth the money?

    Quote Originally Posted by DanK View Post
    I think my camera ranks vastly higher in the camera-quality distribution than I do in the photographer-competence distribution. My rationalization is that this way, my camera doesn't let me down; I just have to blame myself.

    Seriously, though, better gear does help once one reaches a certain level, and given what you post here, it seems to me that you are clearly in that category. From what I have read--I don't shoot Nikon, so I have no first-hand experience--the D850 is a truly remarkable camera. So enjoy it. The enjoyment will persist long after the Visa bill becomes just a memory.
    A good workman does not blame his tools. However I am not sure good tools make a better craftsman. Although I a quite content to convey that impression if needs be.

  20. #20
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: Worth the money?

    Trevor, I am surprised at your lack of planning and security. Your wife should never have had the opportunity to witness such shocking numeric notations on the visa account. Maybe you could buy her a Nikon 80-400mm lens and if she is still not happy get her a 105mm Macro or a wide angle zoom just as a token of recompense.

    Enjoy the camera - stroke it, admire it, maybe read the manual and if you are feeling particularly brave take a photo of it (oops! I meant with it).

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