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Thread: Another stupid decision

  1. #1
    tbob's Avatar
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    Another stupid decision

    It was minus 28C this Sunday when I went out shooting. I found this old barn and decided to shoot it in the predawn light. Because I had no intention of being away from the truck for more than a few minutes I setup the camera and tripod about 10 metres from the vehicle. With no gloves on.

    Once out there I looked around and saw a better spot about 20 metres away. Then an even better one about 30 metres closer to the barn. Both required me to plow through knee deep snow so I was quite warm.

    A few shots and by then the sun was starting to rise. Looked promising so I adjusted my position another few metres and waited for the sky to colour up. By the time the sunrise was in full glory I had been out for twenty minutes. The camera was extremely cold and painful to touch with bare hands but I pressed onward.

    When I finally quit it had been a half hour. Suddenly I realized I had to carry the now minus 28C tripod back to the truck with bare hands. Not good.

    The upshot is I frost bit my hands. To the point of blisters on one finger tip and my thumb Most of you are not familiar with frost bite, but blisters mean severe tissue damage much like a thermal burn.

    Recovering now but I will have to be very careful for the next six months as it takes that long for the damaged circulation to repair.

    Really dumb

    Another stupid decision
    Last edited by tbob; 30th January 2018 at 03:31 PM.

  2. #2
    skitterbug's Avatar
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    Re: Another stupid decision

    Trevor - your photo is lovely - beautiful sunrise and interesting scene. Are these buildings that you showcase completely abandoned?

    I hope your hands recover so you can continue to enjoy your photography goals! From your warning to us, it sounds like you've had this happen before?

    And by the way - not dumb - just determined!

  3. #3
    ST1's Avatar
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    Re: Another stupid decision

    Ouch! I’m sorry to read of your misfortune Trevor. I hope at some stage you will be able to look at this image printed large and displayed in a prominent position. Without feeling the impact of the frostbite that you suffered for your art. You’ve captured an outstanding image thanks for sharing it on here.
    Wishing you a speedy recovery

    Sent from somewhere in Gods County using Tapatalk

  4. #4
    tbob's Avatar
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    Re: Another stupid decision

    Quote Originally Posted by skitterbug View Post
    Trevor - your photo is lovely - beautiful sunrise and interesting scene. Are these buildings that you showcase completely abandoned?
    I think the vast majority are completely empty. A few are still used to store odd bits of garbage. Most are too rickety too be safe to go into.

  5. #5
    tbob's Avatar
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    Re: Another stupid decision

    Quote Originally Posted by ST1 View Post
    Ouch! I’m sorry to read of your misfortune Trevor. I hope at some stage you will be able to look at this image printed large and displayed in a prominent position. Without feeling the impact of the frostbite that you suffered for your art. You’ve captured an outstanding image thanks for sharing it on here.
    Wishing you a speedy recovery

    Sent from somewhere in Gods County using Tapatalk
    I regard this sort of experience as an aide de memoire. Seems like a bit of suffering adds to the joy of seeing the image again as it seers the experience into my soul.

  6. #6
    zen's Avatar
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    Re: Another stupid decision

    Well Trevor, I sure hope your hands heal well, and minus any permanent damage. There are days here in Western New York when it feels like frost bite weather, although not like you experience there, so I can sympathize with how this happened to you. There have been days when I've been out and couldn't feel my hands while pressing camera buttons, but never got frost bit.

    Please take care and let the hands heal well. And thanks for sharing your barns with us. Keep 'em coming!


  7. #7
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Another stupid decision

    Trevor - remember we do this cold weather photography stuff because we enjoy it.

    The last time I got frostbite while out shooting was about three years ago (Feb 2015) when Niagara Falls had almost completely frozen over. I figured this was a "once in a lifetime" opportunity as the Falls are a 5-1/2 hour drive from home. We were already in Southern Ontario for other reasons, so the additional 90 minute drive to the Falls was worth while.

    I was only out shooting for about 45 minutes. While I thought I was well prepared and was properly dressed, my nose ended up with a large frostbite blister on it. When the blister came off, the large red patch was quite apparent for well over a month and I got all kinds of interesting questions on what that red spot was from...
    Last edited by Manfred M; 30th January 2018 at 04:52 PM.

  8. #8
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Another stupid decision

    I'm sure those closest (like your good lady) said something, "There, there. You're passion for photography means you have to suffer, my darling", or words something like that!

    No picture is worth the risk of permanently damaging your hands (although it is a good one). For goodness sake, do take care and protect the affected area.

  9. #9
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: Another stupid decision

    This is called dedication...and determination; a very rare type of image it is. The same Nature who gave you the frost bite would soon heal you, for sure; so all the best

  10. #10
    tbob's Avatar
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    Re: Another stupid decision

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    Trevor - remember we do this cold weather photography stuff because we enjoy it.

    The last time I got frostbite while out shooting was about three years ago (Feb 2015) when Niagara Falls had almost completely frozen over. I figured this was a "once in a lifetime" opportunity as the Falls are a 5-1/2 hour drive from home. We were already in Southern Ontario for other reasons, so the additional 90 minute drive to the Falls was worth while.

    I was only out shooting for about 45 minutes. While I thought I was well prepared and was properly dressed, my nose ended up with a large frostbite blister on it. When the blister came off, the large red patch was quite apparent for well over a month and I got all kinds of interesting questions on what that red spot was from...
    I sympathize about the nose, although I am sure the questions were entertaining. And maybe the answers?

    What really irks me is I had ample opportunity to go back and get the gloves at any point in this episode. Or stuff them in my pocket before leaving the vehicle. (the more intelligent option which I proceeded to do the next two hours I was out there.

    Maybe my brain is frost bitten?

  11. #11
    tbob's Avatar
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    Re: Another stupid decision

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    I'm sure those closest (like your good lady) said something, "There, there. You're passion for photography means you have to suffer, my darling", or words something like that!

    No picture is worth the risk of permanently damaging your hands (although it is a good one). For goodness sake, do take care and protect the affected area.
    My good ladies dulcet tones were not so dulcet about this. But after 42 years I am shocked she is surprised by my all too frequent lapses in good judgement. My usual response is that my healing system is like my immune system, it needs exposure to function at peak efficiency.

  12. #12

    Re: Another stupid decision

    I had little experience with extreme cold conditions when I had to do some work in a tiny hamlet just north of the Arctic Circle, well inland. The temperature was -37degC, but with wind chill it was effectively -53degC. I had a fur lined parka on but had not fully cinched the hood as tightly as I should. Just walking the 300m from my accommodation to the workplace caused my ear to start to freeze. You're right, it sneaks up on you.

    I recommend keeping a pair of gloves with your camera bag throughout your winter - I found some super thin ones that I could fold up into a pocket in the event I was caught out - unnecessary not that I am in Auckland and it never gets to freezing!

    I hope your fingers and marital relationship both warm up and heal completely!
    Last edited by Tronhard; 30th January 2018 at 08:00 PM.

  13. #13
    tbob's Avatar
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    Re: Another stupid decision

    Alas I have no excuse for not knowing better. 40 years of living in this climate and I still have not learned that things can go sideways in a hurry. I got reprimanded for going out last night, dressed in a polo shirt and slacks at minus 22C, to walk the dog. I figure if the dog has to handle it with no coat so should I. Had it pointed out that he has fur.

  14. #14

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    Re: Another stupid decision

    In all fairness, Trevor, it wasn't one massively stupid decision but rather a series of marginally stupid ones that collectively had the same net result. I recommend that you re-visit the discussion with your bride and point that out. Presumably you have a cot on standby at your office?

  15. #15
    tbob's Avatar
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    Re: Another stupid decision

    I am afraid I have lost all credibility when it comes to justifying my actions as mere errors or even bad decisions. The weight of evidence is in; I now just throw myself on the mercy of the court.

  16. #16
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Another stupid decision

    Nicely captured.

  17. #17

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    Re: Another stupid decision

    Trevor, the pic was worth it!

  18. #18

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    Re: Another stupid decision

    Trevor, that was a dumb thing to do and I fully concur attempting.
    Cheers Ole

  19. #19
    leprechaun's Avatar
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    Re: Another stupid decision

    Hi Trevor,
    Sorry about your frost bite, been tnere, done that and got the T shirt.
    Have a look at the thread :some Canadian winter pics, may brighten up your day.
    Love all your Photos that you post.

  20. #20
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: Another stupid decision

    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernFocus View Post
    In all fairness, Trevor, it wasn't one massively stupid decision but rather a series of marginally stupid ones that collectively had the same net result. I recommend that you re-visit the discussion with your bride and point that out. Presumably you have a cot on standby at your office?
    It's interesting that the only time I ended up in serious trouble on the boat I had was just a result of a series of small misjudgements that got me into difficulty. After a few harrowing hours sailing in high winds and rough seas I got to shelter. I now have much more sympathy for people that caught out by events.

    At least Trevor has a good photograph as a momento.

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