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Thread: Mormon Temple San Diego

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Mormon Temple San Diego

    I drive past the San Diego Mormon Temple quite often but have never photographed it. However while I was waiting for three of my rescue dogs to be groomed by a local Petsmart Store (who BTW grooms our rescue doge gratis) I noticed that the Mormon Temple across the freeway was bathed in a morning light. I am not big into shooting buildings but, I had my 6D2 and new/old 28-70mm f/2.8 Tokina TX Pro lens and decided to take a few moments to photograph the temple from across the freeway. This really looks better when viewed in a larger size.

    Mormon Temple San Diego

    I wish that I had a CPL with me but, I didn't

  2. #2
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: Mormon Temple San Diego

    great architecture and landscaping; is this a Hindu temple or a Buddhist monastery?

  3. #3
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Mormon Temple San Diego

    It is a Mormon Temple, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

    Here is a B&W version...

    Mormon Temple San Diego

    Canon 6D2 with 28-70mm Tokina f/2.8 ATX Pro at 70mm... ISO 200, f/8 at 1/640 second...
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 16th February 2018 at 05:44 PM.

  4. #4
    LePetomane's Avatar
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    Re: Mormon Temple San Diego

    Richard, very nice.

  5. #5

    Re: Mormon Temple San Diego

    It's a great photo. The light and the building design remind me of the beginning of a Disney Film (no disrespect to the Mormon faith).

  6. #6
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: Mormon Temple San Diego

    It's an excellent photograph Richard, for me it has an emotional as well as visual impact.

    However, I find it rather austere and forbidding. How do others feel?


  7. #7
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Mormon Temple San Diego

    Nicely captured.

  8. #8

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    Re: Mormon Temple San Diego

    Quote Originally Posted by davidedric View Post
    It's an excellent photograph Richard, for me it has an emotional as well as visual impact.

    However, I find it rather austere and forbidding. How do others feel?

    I think it's a great photo, but I agree about being forbidding. Where the bad guys live in a James Bond movie.

  9. #9
    Otavio's Avatar
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    Re: Mormon Temple San Diego

    Hi, Richard. Very nice shot. Although I prefer the color version, the B&W also works great for me. It would be nice to have a bit more foreground, in my opinion, as the front pillar is a bit tight in the frame. That, surely, dont compromise the image. Well done.

  10. #10

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    Re: Mormon Temple San Diego

    Agree its a little tight at the bottom, but its not a deal breaker. But what is the dark splotch on the lower right hand side of the building. Is it a sensor mark, or was it really there? I do suspect its a sensor spot but even if it is the case that it was really on the building, if it was my pic I would have to clone it out. For me it really distracts from the imposing white purity of the building.


  11. #11
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Mormon Temple San Diego


    I was shooting on my tip toes over a chain link fence and across a freeway, Framing at the bottom was a bit difficult.

    It's not a sensor spot, it is a spot on the building itself. I don't know what it is from but, it appears in all my images of the building in different areas of the frame. I tried to get rid of it in PP but, that made it look worse than it does when I just left it alone. I reduced the brightness of the sky in this version. I did not boost the saturation, simply reduced the brightness.

    [IMG]Mormon Temple San Diego[/IMG]

    There are always things to shoot in San Diego...

    In addition to getting the shot of the Mormon Temple I had a couple of hours to spend waiting for the dogs to get groomed. I drove to the San Diego Gliderport where hang gliders launch over the ocean. No one was flying I got a bit excited when I saw this guy fill his glider with wind but, he was only doing that in preparation of folding it...

    Mormon Temple San Diego

    The area that looks like I was using a graduated neutral density filter on the sky is actually the horizon. It was pretty hazy that day...

    There was a falconer practicing with his bird but, 70mm was my longest focal length (I carried my new/old Tokina 28-70mm f/2.8 ATX Pro lens in expectation of shooting the ladies who groomed the dogs for us) and this is a rather extensive crop. The falconer requested that the spectators not crowd him and his bird.

    Mormon Temple San Diego

    I am going back there on a weekend, when I am told there are more falconers practicing. I will be carrying a longer lens. There should also be gliders flying. I want to get them over the ocean on a clear day...

    A longer lens might be appropriate to shoot this visitor at the parking lot. The appendage on his tail identifies him, or her, as a rattlesnake. I didn't get that close to tell the difference. I would have been very sorry to step on this one. I will be sure to keep on the marked trails in this area.

    Mormon Temple San Diego
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 19th February 2018 at 03:47 AM.

  12. #12

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    Re: Mormon Temple San Diego

    {I was shooting on my tip toes over a chain link fence and across a freeway, Framing at the bottom was a bit difficult.
    It's not a sensor spot, it is a spot on the building itself. I don't know what it is from but, it appears in all my images of the building in different areas of the frame. I tried to get rid of it in PP but, that made it look worse than it does when I just left it alone.}

    Hi its a very easy fix. Copy and paste the stone section directly above the one that has the mark on it. Move the pasted layer over the top of the section with the mark and add a layer mask set to 'hide all.' Then use your paintbrush set to white at 100% flow and zero hardness and paint onto the layer mask to paint away the mark. I used your posted pic which is obviously a lower resolution than you have available but it was a two minute job. Undetectable at normal viewing size.

    Love the snake by the way.


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