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Thread: A Different Genre from those 'usually' posted

  1. #21

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    Re: A Different Genre from those 'usually' posted

    may I one day be as skilled in my genre as you are in yours.

  2. #22
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: A Different Genre from those 'usually' posted

    I only just opened this thread. Stunning images, James, such a pleasure and inspiration to view.


  3. #23
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: A Different Genre from those 'usually' posted

    James - I am jealous of your journeys to the great churches and cathedrals in Europe, and the lovely stained glass shots you have come away with. I would love to spend a few months on the road doing nothing else. Unfortunately, with limited exceptions, the buildings on this side of the Atlantic do not offer the choice that you have.

    Getting the camera set up properly, having just the right light, etc. is no trivial matter. Then of course is trying to sweet take the people in charge of the building to let me set up a tripod which can be the hardest task of all.

  4. #24
    James G's Avatar
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    Re: A Different Genre from those 'usually' posted

    Dave, thankyou, I was 'into' stained glass as a toddler apparently... way before I ever got my hands on a camera in my early teens

    Manfred, you summed up the 'challenges' perfectly... I usually try to get back to places in a different season so I can repeat with different light. (Spring & Autumn are ally significantly different). Also shooting any window to the NE always presents a problem. It is one of the reasons I shjoot triples and blend.

    And you are perfectly right... tripods inside major buildings always a hassle. Though the real bummer is when I turn up and find a church closed, despite their web notices! but, when it all comes together....

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