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Thread: Letter to Olympus Europe

  1. #1
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Letter to Olympus Europe

    On the end of May 2018, I wrote this mail to Olympus Europe. I hope they wish to help us.
    "Dear Sir,

    I am an amateur photographer decided to leave a legacy of images to future generations, leading a group of photography and promoting, organizing and implementing slide-show sessions with invited photographers, every month of the year except August. We have had much success across the country.

    ARTISET, a local organization of painters, sculptures and photographers from the city of Setúbal where I was born and live, counts me in.
    al counts me in. It belongs to a federation of some 150 local district groups in quite different activities such as sports, artists, music bands, volunteers and so on.

    At this moment, a small group of three, which I coordinate, is starting a project involving all the associations of the city. Our purpose is to take portraits of the leaders and members, print them and make an annual exhibition across the country. A book will be published.

    As the leader of this group of the three people, I thought you might be interested in patronising somehow this project.

    In return, we would always advertise your brand not only in every image but also in all the events and web platforms where our work will be exhibited.

    I shoot with a 5 Mk II using the three PRO zoom lenses 7-14; 12-40 and 40-150 which I own. The others have Nikon equipment.
    You could patronize us three Olympus PEN F and the three f/1.2 series lenses, while I would give you financial warranties of returning the equipment as agreed in your terms.
    Eventually, the 75mm prime would/should complete this fantastic and exquisite pack.

    Thank you. Best regards,"

    Letter to Olympus Europe

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Letter to Olympus Europe

    Would be nice if they responded, probably less costly than hiring a spokesperson or launching an ad campaign.

  3. #3
    shreds's Avatar
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    Re: Letter to Olympus Europe


    Olympus obviously need to have been here at CiC to understand the quality and diversity of the subjects you shoot. I am sure they receive many requests, inevitably gaining the right ‘ear’ often relies on knowing the appropriate person who can make that decision. Do you know any existing Olympus ‘ambassadors’ or sponsored photographers? They might be able to assist in reaching the right ‘ears’ for your sponsorship.

  4. #4
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Letter to Olympus Europe

    Quote Originally Posted by shreds View Post

    Olympus obviously need to have been here at CiC to understand the quality and diversity of the subjects you shoot. I am sure they receive many requests, inevitably gaining the right ‘ear’ often relies on knowing the appropriate person who can make that decision. Do you know any existing Olympus ‘ambassadors’ or sponsored photographers? They might be able to assist in reaching the right ‘ears’ for your sponsorship.
    I noticed that a lot of YouTubers seem to get some loaner equipment fairly often; perhaps it's also a matter of how many followers you can attest to and that is what gets the most responses for corporate sponsors.

  5. #5
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: Letter to Olympus Europe

    As you probably know Olympus (Iberian Olympus which manages both countries, Portugal and Spain) lends cameras to the people they choose.
    I see no reason why they should not patronise our project, which will be viewed by so many people. As you read above in my first post, I am willing to give personal warranties.

    However, I am aware that - most probably - they will not lend me 3 cameras but if they do, just one with the three lens: :dance4:
    Anyway I would be - I am anyway - thrilled to the perspective of making shots with these beautiful primes.
    If the other lenses are so great, why shouldn't these be even better ? :yahoo:

    I do know someone but am not aware of his "power"

    I have bookmarked this thread so I can keep you all, knowing how things are going.

    Than you for commenting Ian and John !

  6. #6
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Letter to Olympus Europe

    I wish you luck in this Antonio.

    That being said, I have met people associated with both Canon and Nikon who receive support and equipment from these companies. In both cases, these programs are run by the marketing departments of the local distributors. Both are well known photographers (at a national level) and photography is pretty well their full time vocation. They give workshops, do photo tours and give presentations on their work. They do talk about their sponser's products at these sessions. I have been to these and can personally attest that this happens.

    In other words, the camera manufacturer's leverage the reputations of these photographers to spread the word (marketing) of their products.

    The YouTubers and online reviewers are in a similar situation; they have an audience reasonably large following, so the camera manufacturers use them to essentially advertise their products. I have yet to see a YouTuber or online reviewer say anything negative about the products that they are loaned. I suspect that this is a form of self-imposed censorship that keeps them in business. This results in the on-line reviews being little more than infomercials, rather than serious product reviews.

    I think your issue with Olympus is to find a way of providing some value for them corporately that they can leverage. I'm quite sure that their loands of equipment will be quite targeted and in line with their marketing efforts. Unless you can provide them with a net benefit to sell more cameras, it would not be in the corporate interest to do what you would like them to do.

  7. #7
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: Letter to Olympus Europe

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    I wish you luck in this Antonio.
    ...I think your issue with Olympus is to find a way of providing some value for them corporately that they can leverage. I'm quite sure that their loands of equipment will be quite targeted and in line with their marketing efforts. Unless you can provide them with a net benefit to sell more cameras, it would not be in the corporate interest to do what you would like them to do.
    Fair enough. This is a small country, remember ?
    Things here look to be a little different. I know someone who is patronised with a PEN F doing nothing but street photography...
    However if they don't patronise our project, that will have the advantage of giving us for freedom !
    Thank you for commenting Manfred !

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