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Thread: Help with new monitor, please

  1. #1
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Help with new monitor, please

    Running under Win 10
    I have just taken delivery of an EIZO CS2420 (to replace my failing Dell Ultrasharp).
    I don't have a suitable calibration device (my ColorMunki Dsisplay is not supported) so I can't use the supplied ColorNavigator software, but I wasn't too concerned to start with because all the reviews say the ex-factory calibration is already excellent.
    However, when I check through Windows System which monitor profile is in use, I see the Dell profile generated by ColorMunki, and no other options.
    How can I allow the monitor to use its factory calibration?
    Thanks for any help,

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Help with new monitor, please

    The screen should have shipped with an installation disk and the default profile should be on it. Otherwise you should check on the Eizo website and download it from there.

    That being said, you can always use your ColorMunki with the xRite software to create a new profile that way. It won’t be as accurate as one prepared with the Eizo software, but will be far better than nothing.

    I ran into the same issue when I got my Benq SW2700. The Benq PalleteMaster calibration / profiling software would not run with my ColorMunki Display and that is what I did until I got myself an xRite i1 Display a few weeks later. Something that was not evident in the instructions is that I had to connect the computer screen to the computer via a USB connection for the calibration / profiling software to work.
    Last edited by Manfred M; 21st June 2018 at 08:32 PM.

  3. #3
    skitterbug's Avatar
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    Re: Help with new monitor, please

    Hi Dave - Here is a link to EIZO and your monitor. And a second link that gives info about the set up.
    And if for some reason, the disk wasn't included, you can get a download from this page.

    Hope this helps. This looks like an awesome monitor!

  4. #4
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: Help with new monitor, please

    Thanks folks.

    I couldn't find a profile on the installation disk, but I'd never thought of running the ColorMunki anyway - which certainly gave me a profile. Even just watching it build, and seeing the even colours right across the screen was rather soothing.

    I've just been reviewing some photos and, well I can only say I'm very happy. These are last year's safari photos taken with m4/3 kit, and they look fantastic.

    I'll have to decide whether to splash out further on xRited i1



  5. #5
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Help with new monitor, please

    My understanding is that the ColorMunki profile is not as accurate as the i1, but is certainly better than nothing. The i1 software is also a lot faster and has more advanced features.

    The ColorMunki generated profile has to be loaded from the computer when it is starting up, rather than having been applied / store in the computer screen firmware, which prevents one from accidentally changing the settings.

  6. #6
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    Re: Help with new monitor, please

    At what cd/m2 did you end up calibrating at in order to get excellent prints?


  7. #7
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    Re: Help with new monitor, please

    At what cd/m2 did you end up calibrating at in order to get excellent prints?


  8. #8
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: Help with new monitor, please

    I'm afraid I can't really help. My monitor is probably used 80% of the time for non-photographic work, so I set my cd/m2 manually to give a comfortable working brightness. I print from Lightroom whose Print module has the options to change brightness and contrast, and I have those to give me consistently what I want. If I get a print that is not what I need, I adjust and reprint.

    This is NOT a professional photographer's workflow!


    Quote Originally Posted by Budman1955 View Post
    At what cd/m2 did you end up calibrating at in order to get excellent prints?


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