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Thread: Nikon mirrorless

  1. #1
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Nikon mirrorless

    Anyone surprised by Nikon getting out of the mirrorless market or at least discontinuing the J1 model? They didn't mention the AW1 model and I haven't followed its development so probably means something else (newer model) with be presented soon. I didn't own the J1, instead I opted for the Olympus EPL1 and Olympus continued to upgrade to new models rather than spend time on the older models and now I believe the micro mirrorless models are down to one model.

    After all the talk for the last ten years of how mirrorless would take over the digital market; it seems that camera manufacturers (phone models included) still hold the DSLR as the standard and continuously design future models to vie with and outpace the market leader. Interestingly, the features that make the mirrorless so popular rarely encompasses the professional aspects of photography, only the ergonomic features of photography. What I mean by professional aspects I mean use of external flash, accessories such as filters, reflectors, etc..

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Nikon mirrorless

    Nikon is dropping a camera line that is not selling well. No surprise there. It was not targeted at the “serious amateur “ and did not complete well with other cameras put out by the likes of Olympus, Sony and Panasonic.

    Sony, with their full frame mirrorless and APS-C models have set the standard. Both Nikon and Canon will be launching their own higher end mirrorless cameras soon.

  3. #3
    billtils's Avatar
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    Re: Nikon mirrorless

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    ... the features that make the mirrorless so popular rarely encompasses the professional aspects of photography, only the ergonomic features of photography. What I mean by professional aspects I mean use of external flash, accessories such as filters, reflectors, etc..
    With you all the way on this John. Mirrorless adds nothing to the quality of the resulting image but does provide a major change in ergonomics. Whether the "change" is a step forward or not is up to the user, some will see it that way, some will not, and some won't care either way.

  4. #4
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Nikon mirrorless

    The problem with some mirrorless offerings is the very limited selection of lenses available. Sure, you can easily use a converter with most mirrorless cameras to use regular lenses but the size of those lenses defeats the basic premise for going mirrorless and might be (with very heavy lenses) counterproductive...

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    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Nikon mirrorless

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    The problem with some mirrorless offerings is the very limited selection of lenses available. Sure, you can easily use a converter with most mirrorless cameras to use regular lenses but the size of those lenses defeats the basic premise for going mirrorless and might be (with very heavy lenses) counterproductive...

    I think the micro mirrorless manufacturers were trying to get by with zoom lenses to cover the spectrum of focal lengths, the problem with most lens offerings is that depth of field was sacrificed with the combination of smaller sensors and maximum aperture (wide) available. I know my 14-42mm, 3.5-5.6 lens didn't give me that wide angle I was used to so I purchased a prime 1.7 and even then only gained so much depth.

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    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: Nikon mirrorless

    I suspect in about three years time I will upgrade to an EVIL (Electronic Viewfinder Interchangeable Lens) Nikon FX 40+megapixel camera that with an adapter that makes all my lenses compatible with it.

    I am looking forward to a bright viewfinder when taking photographs in low lighting and wanting to view DOF. For my type of photography I think the advantages will easily out way the disadvantages.

  7. #7
    shreds's Avatar
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    Re: Nikon mirrorless

    Like a lot of things in photography the current ‘fashion’ in going smaller seems to be lead by just a few predominant factors.

    Age and infirmity - not of the cameras but that of the photographers. I know of countless photographers who groan about the fact they can no longer carry the weight of a larger camera, some genuinely for medical reasons, others out of just being unable or unwilling to hump a load of kit around with them. Few seem to consider the job in hand and don’t realise that they don’t need every lens and accessory in the book with them for each project.

    Younger generation brought up on iPhones and the like cannot see the quality issues when screen resolutions are all that matter for them to see and share their pictures, never aiming to print them

    Magazines and web commentators being paid to promote yet another new line by manufacturers ....very obvious with some journalists and reviewers.

    The shrinking choice of local outlets and increasing use of ‘grey’ imports that undercut retailers margins. Retailers going to the wall affect the manufacturers too, due to the way that stock is often financed.

    Plus of course natural disasters and nuclear accidents in the Far East have had an impact on manufacturers too. Moving production of ‘consumer’ level cameras and lenses to cheaper bases in different countries can have impacts on quality as well as reducing costs.

  8. #8
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Nikon mirrorless

    Quote Originally Posted by pnodrog View Post
    I suspect in about three years time I will upgrade to an EVIL (Electronic Viewfinder Interchangeable Lens) Nikon FX 40+megapixel camera that with an adapter that makes all my lenses compatible with it.

    I am looking forward to a bright viewfinder when taking photographs in low lighting and wanting to view DOF. For my type of photography I think the advantages will easily out way the disadvantages.
    But will it have a built-in espresso maker for that boost on the days when energy is running low

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    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: Nikon mirrorless

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    But will it have a built-in espresso maker for that boost on the days when energy is running low
    An espresso maker would be a bonus but it is of course essential that the camera interacts with my car's navigation system and guides me to prize winning photo locations.

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