"From the specs, these two models, are superior to Canon’s efforts, but we shall see how that shakes out. The fat lady is still warming up the vocal cords."
Of course, any full frame offering would be "superior" to Canon's efforts in that field. Since Canon has not offered a full frame mirrorless camera - YET! And, looking at the lack of improvements of the 6D2 over the 6D that it replaced, I am not holding my breath for a Canon camera or cameras which will be superior to Sony A7Riii and A7iii. However, some of the features of the M-50 offer a glimmer of hope long those lines.
However, despite what the Nikon fanboys are touting, Canon is not the company that Nikon needs to fight for superiority in the field of full-frame mirrorless cameras; that company is Sony. What it looks like from the specs is that the much touted Z-cameras come in a not so close second to the Sony A7-Riii and A7iii. And... the old saying is that "Close only counts in horseshoes and hand granades

There are so many folks out there, on the Internet, trying to justify the lack of a second memory card slot and eye detect auto focus and, excusing other problems noted on the Z-cameras, that they sound like Donald Trump supporters trying to justify his ludicrous remarks and actions.
Let's be honest ladies and gentlemen: Do you absolutely NEED eye detect AF - of course not! Do you absolutely Need a back up memory card - of course not (that is until your primary card is corrupted). On one site, a Nikon fanboy writes that photographers have been working for decades with a single card slot and without eye AF and have seemed to do O.K.
Well, I worked for decades using a 4 x 5 inch press camera with cut film and did just fine with that equipment. However, I certainly wound not want to show up at a wedding in 2018 carrying a Speed Graphic.