Thank you for taking the time to answer my question and looking at the video. I will definitely take a look at the article that you linked to.
Below are the sample images to illustrate my question and to show my setup.
1) ambient only. Shutter speed 1/20, f/3.5, ISO 100. The image is dark not enough light for the correct exposure
2) The same setup as in 1 above BUT adding flash in MANUAL mode at 1/32 power. So shutter speed 1/20, f/3.5, ISO 100, flash in manual mode 1/32 power. The image is exposed correctly BOTH subject and background.
3) The same setup as in 2 above BUT CHANGE SHUTTER SPEED to 1/200 (sync speed) So shutter speed 1/200, f/3.5, ISO 100, flash in MANUAL mode at 1/32 power. So the BACKGROUND should go DARKER than in scenario 2, but it does NOT. BOTH THE SUBJECT AND THE BACKGROUND are bright. There is virtually no change in BACKGROUND in scenario 2 and scenario 3.