Hi dear
Thanks alot
My country have rich cultures but sorry we do not
Have toreism
I invited of you and other fore visit iran is safe dont wory
My health is such that I don't get out much anymore. But my wife says there are many Iranian students at Silliman University where she teaches Peace and Development. Maybe one day she will visit your country.
My health is such that I don't get out much anymore. But my wife says there are many Iranian students at Silliman University where she teaches Peace and Development. Maybe one day she will visit your country.
It is good news im glad see she pleas say to me when did she com to iran ?
I have a good new for you my sister teaches peace &development at the university
It is good news im glad see she pleas say to me when did she com to iran ?
I have a good new for you my sister teaches peace &development at the university
World is very small now days
and getting smaller. If she does you ill be the first to know when. Do you have an urge to try to connect your sister and my wife?